Forget Me Not by Vicki Hinze

In Forget Me Not, Vicki Hinze spins an intricate web of romance and intrigue.

Kelly Walker lives an unusual life. Unfortunately, things are about to become even more complicated. Carjacked, beaten, and left to die, Kelly soon finds herself in the middle of an elaborate scheme. Remembering little besides her relationship with Christ, Kelly determines to hold fast to her faith in spite of her fear of the unknown.

With the help of a friend named Benjamin Brandt, Kelly stumbles down a long path to recover her memories. Little does she know that the truth of those memories will threaten to destroy everything she holds dear.

Forget Me Not can best be described as a tangled web of plots and secrets. I admit I spent most of the book trying to figure out what was going on. Just when I thought I had things figured out, a new plot twist sent my head reeling. If you enjoy a true mystery, you'll loved Hinze's new novel.

The characters are believable and well-written. While the novel is centered around a theme of faith, Hinze does an excellent job of weaving it into the story to avoid the "in-your-face" feeling. The storyline, though complex and a little far-fetched, is enjoyable and entertaining.

Forget Me Not is a must read. I guarantee that once you pick it up, you'll be enthralled until the very end!

To purchase a copy of Forget Me Not, visit

I received a free copy of this book from WaterBrookMultnomah as part of a blog tour. The opinion discussed here is my own and has not been influenced in any way.


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