How Big is God?

Yesterday, Jason and I decided to tackle a really tough hike. In Caesar's Head State Park, there is a trail called the Natureland Trust Trail. It is a 5.8-mile trail (one-way) that is rated "very strenuous." We had been on part of this trail months ago, and we were awed by it's beauty. But, that day, I was SO exhausted, I feared making it out of the woods. Since then, Jason has been wanting to go back and do the entire trail, but I've been afraid of it.

Yesterday, I faced my fear, and we walked/climbed the trail. It was tough! I have some terrible blisters, and my knees are sore. But, that isn't what I wanted to tell you about it.

First of all, I wanted to say that if you want more out of life, sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. Yesterday, I was WAY out of my comfort zone, but I had a great day!

Second, I wanted to tell you about The Cathedral. The Cathedral is a 120-foot semicircular rock formation that you will find only on the Natureland Trust Trail. The trail is tucked up right against these rocks, so it's difficult to get a good picture. But, I don't think a picture could capture the "wow" of this place anyway (but that didn't keep us from trying.)

As you stand there looking up, you'll get a crick in your neck. It's so high. Most of the walls go straight up, but the section to the far left resembles the bottom side of a circular stair case. Because of all the recent rain, water was running down the rocks, causing a spray to hit us and refreshing us from the heat of the day. If you looked straight up, the drops appeared to be falling in slow motion. It was so awesome!

We stood there for several minutes trying to take it all in and trying to find a word to describe it other that "awesome." We couldn't think of one. Then, as we were about to leave, I turned to Jason and said, "As awesome as this is, and as much as we can't take it in, how big is God? How awesome is He? How dumbstruck are we going to be when we see His face?" It's unimaginable! I think, even then, we'll be at a loss for words.


Pay Attention


What Dedication!