Small Word; Big Meaning

I think every Christian (and probably several non-believers) can quote from memory Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. We've read it. We've studied it. We've heard sermons and Sunday School lessons on it. Why? Because they are two very important verses. The passage is an excellent reminder to us to trust God even when we don't understand what He's doing.

Often, this passage is given as encouragement in a time of great trial or suffering. However, today, I'd like to look at it from a different angle. If you will look at verse six, you'll see a tiny little word that has a huge meaning. Look carefully. It's easy to miss. In all thy ways acknowledge him. Did you see it? That little word "all" is very important.

You see, this passage is not just for times of trouble. It's for all times. We should constantly be trusting the Lord and seeking His guidance. It's easy to stop and seek God's will in times of confusion or tribulation, but in this passage, God is reminding us to always acknowledge Him, to always seek His advice.

Even more to the point, we're not just talking about big things like whether or not we should move to a new location or take a certain job. God says that even in the usual, mundane activities of every day life, we should seek His face, acknowledge His presence, and ask for His guidance. So, whether we spend our day cleaning bathrooms, raising children, working a job outside the home, etc., we should trust in God and acknowledge His presence in our lives.

It's easy to pray in the morning and ask God for help and guidance, then to go off and do our own thing, heedless to the voice of God. I know I've done it several times. Unsure of how to get everything done, I seek God's help. I ask Him to give me strength and to guide me from one task to the next. However, as soon as I say "Amen," I jump up and go about my day, struggling to make it through and wondering why God isn't helping me. Could it be that it's because I'm not acknowledging Him?

So, as you go about your tasks today, no matter how tedious or mundane they may seem, remember to place them in God's hands. Trust in Him, and acknowledge Him. It will make even the most difficult or boring of tasks seem pleasant because you'll realize you're doing it for Him. And that, makes all the difference in the world!


How Complicated is Prayer?


Annual Amnesia