The Votes Are In

Well, the votes are in, and it's official--God is still on the throne! Yep, you heard me right. Now, before you say things you shouldn't, allow me to explain. I'm not saying that God wanted the election to turn out the way it did. But, He did allow it. Did He not?

Despite our fear, God has things completely under control. He is not sitting in Heaven, wringing His hands, and thinking 'Oh no! What's going to happen now?' Instead, He is nodding His head and thinking, 'Yep. Things are turning out just the way I knew they would.' He knew this was going to happen, and He allowed it. Why?

Could it be that these are signs of the times being fulfilled? Could it be that Jesus is getting ready to come back for His bride very soon? Could it be that the rapture is just around the corner?

If so, what are we doing about it? Instead of sitting around and complaining about the state of our nation or the election results, we need to get busy. There's a lot of people out there who are lost and on their way to hell. We need to tell them about Jesus before it's too late. We have a work to do while there's still time, so let's get busy! After all, time is short. The Bible says that we don't know the hour or the day of Christ's return, but the signs are saying His return is imminent. Let's not waste this opportunity! Let's shout from the housetops, "Jesus saves!" We have the chance to make a difference. We may not be able to change things here on earth, but our witness can make a HUGE difference in Heaven.

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.
Matthew 9:37


Annual Amnesia


Idol Worship