A Thorn in the Flesh

We are all familiar with Paul's thorn in the flesh. Granted, we don't know specifically what it was. I know many believe it was a health issue of some kind, like blindness perhaps. We can't be certain, but we do know it often hindered him in his service to God. That makes me wonder.

Have you ever questioned why God would give us a thorn in the flesh that prevents us from serving Him at our greatest capacity? Paul said that it was so that he wouldn't be exalted above measure, but is that reason the same for all of us?

I know of Godly people who can't make it to the church because of physical ailments. I know of others who can't come to many events because they are needed to care for a loved one who is suffering from physical illness. I, myself, am constantly battling various physical conditions. During these times of suffering, I turn my face toward Heaven and cry, "Why, God? Couldn't I serve you better without this thorn? Don't you want the complete service that I could offer if I were healed?"

The answer I receive is the same as the one Paul received. "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

I don't understand God's ways, but I'm sure He knows what He is doing. So, for all of you out there who are suffering physically or take care of those who are suffering physically, take heart. It's not easy, but God's grace will be sufficient. We don't need to understand; we only need to trust.

My prayers are with you all!

Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then am I strong.
II Corinthians 12:10


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