In His Likeness

Wow! The Lord has really been speaking to me this weekend. On Friday afternoon, Jason and I went to see the movie Fireproof. What an awesome movie! If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I cried through most of it. I don't want to give the story away, but there were many times throughout it that I was reminded of how many times I've let God down. Yet, He has always forgiven me. Even though I've disobeyed and failed Him time after time, He still loves me and calls me His child. What a blessing!

If that wasn't enough, on Saturday, I was doing some studying for my Sunday School lesson. The Lord was leading me to teach on patience (a topic I'm not very familiar with). As I studied, again I was brought to tears when I was reminded of how patient God has been with me. It seemed to tie right into the movie.

I taught the lesson Sunday morning, and many of the ladies approached me later saying that I had really stomped on their toes, but they thanked me anyway saying that they had needed to hear it. The two messages from our pastor went right along with the lesson, emphasizing the fact that if we want to change anything in our lives, we must keep our eyes focused on the One who can bring about the change. Needless to say, it was a weekend full of spiritual blessings!

The lessons continued in my devotions this morning. I was reading in Psalm 17, a passage that I've read probably 100 times. But, this morning, I noticed something special in the last verse. As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness. In this passage, I don't think David is referring to a physical likeness. Instead, I think he is referring to the time when his words, thoughts, and actions reflect the Lord. He is stating that he won't be satisfied until he is a true picture of Christ. What a challenge!

While some of my words, thoughts, and actions reflect the Lord, I have not arrived at the place where I can look at myself and see Him. I still have a lot of areas to work on before my character resembles that of Christ. And, until then, I won't be satisfied. Until the world can see Jesus, and only Jesus, in me, I must keep striving to grow more like Him. How? Through prayer, Bible study, and walking with Him day by day. The task will not be easy, but the reward will truly be worth it!

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
II Peter 3:18


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Where Have I Been?