Hopping Mad

Have you ever been really irritated by someone or something? I'm talking irritated to the point where you can actually see smoke coming from your nostrils. I think I was there this morning.

Yesterday, I contacted a book club that I am a member of and requested that they please cancel my account. I joined several months ago with the agreement that I would purchase at least four books from them in the next two years. To date, I have purchased eight. (This is not including the stuff that they sent me arbitrarily that I had to pay to return.)

This morning I received an e-mail from them stating that they were sorry but I could not cancel my membership at this time since I had not fulfilled my requirement. My first thought was 'Can't you people count?' I was frustrated, but I sent a reply saying that if they will look on my account page on their own website, they will see that I have purchased far more than required.

They came back with the reply that not all of those books counted toward my requirement. What? Where was that fine print? When you order a book from their website, no where on there does it say whether or not that book will count toward your requirement. So, how is a person supposed to know what counts and what doesn't? In my mind, this is a very underhanded way of doing business.

The thing that really bothers me is that this is supposed to be a Christian company. Yikes! I have had one problem after another since joining this club which is why I wanted to cancel my membership. For those of you who know me personally, you know I'm about as non-confrontational as they come. But, this drove me to the edge! I am tired of being taken advantage of.

The situation is still not resolved. I'm waiting to hear back from them . . . again. If nothing else, this situation has taught me to watch my steps carefully while naming the name of Christ. I am a reflection of Him and His love, and God forbid I should ever deal with people in such a misleading and deceiving manner.

If you claim to be a Christian, you'd better live it! People are watching!

Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.
Colossians 3:9-10


Getting My Attention


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