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Footsteps of Faith:  Navigating the Muddy Paths of Life
Life's Journey Dana Rongione Life's Journey Dana Rongione

Footsteps of Faith: Navigating the Muddy Paths of Life

Following an exceptionally rainy winter in Wales, the hiking paths have become treacherous mud pits. While hiking yesterday, Jason lost his footing in the mire and clutched onto a wooden fence post to steady himself. Little did he know, the post was rotted at the base. It nearly buckled beneath his weight. Thankfully, Jason regained his balance and the fence post before getting covered in mud.

As Jason managed to steady both himself and the decayed fence post, it struck me how frequently we seek solace in things other than the Lord in times of need, whether in people, material belongings, or our perceived capabilities. We place our faith in them, only to find that they are not as reliable as we initially assumed, much like the seemingly sturdy yet rotted post that Jason had clung to.

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Man Plans; God Directs
Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Trust, God's goodness, God's guidance Dana Rongione

Man Plans; God Directs

Eager to hit the hiking trails last week, Jason and I checked the forecast for the best day. Friday showed sun, while Saturday predicted snow, so Friday it was!

After breakfast on Friday morning, we were greeted by rain showers mixed with fat snowflakes instead of sunshine. "No problem," we shrugged. “It’s Wales! Wet weather is just part of the charm. Besides, as usual, the rain will likely come and go in short bursts.” You can probably guess where this is headed.

Despite the continuing wintry mix, we stuck with Plan A, trudging up muddy slopes in worsening snow and sleet for hours. Slipping in sodden boots with freezing fingers, I muttered, “Maybe we should've waited till tomorrow." By the time we stumbled back to the car, I was as drenched and weary.

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Trailblazing Through Life
Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione Life's Journey, Positive Life Dana Rongione

Trailblazing Through Life

I recently heard a comment that made me laugh out loud. A woman exclaimed, "I've never understood what people see in hiking. It's just walking where the ground doesn't cooperate." Take it from an experienced hiker; she's not far off. As someone who has had my fair share of tumbles on the trail, I can testify the ground isn't particularly cooperative.

So often, we refer to our spiritual journey as a Christian walk, but after examining this woman's statement, I think it would better be described as a Christian hike. After all, seldom does the ground cooperate.

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