Man Plans; God Directs

Eager to hit the hiking trails last week,  Jason and I checked the forecast for the best day. Friday showed sun, while Saturday predicted snow, so Friday it was!

After breakfast on Friday morning, we were greeted by rain showers mixed with fat snowflakes instead of sunshine. "No problem," we shrugged. “It’s Wales!  Wet weather is just part of the charm.  Besides, as usual, the rain will likely come and go in short bursts.” You can probably guess where this is headed.

Despite the continuing wintry mix, we stuck with Plan A, trudging up muddy slopes in worsening snow and sleet for hours. Slipping in sodden boots with freezing fingers, I muttered, “Maybe we should've waited till tomorrow." By the time we stumbled back to the car, I was as drenched and weary.

Meanwhile, Saturday dawned pleasant with blue skies and pleasant sunshine—the perfect hiking weather. Suddenly, I was reminded of a particular verse in Scripture.

There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 16:25).

Jason and I sure illustrated that truth! In thinking we knew best, we charged ahead, as ignorant as the weatherman who had predicted the weekend forecast. It proves that even when we plan wisely, things can unfold unexpectedly.

How often in life do we forge ahead self-assured, only to stumble into hardship? Yet when we wait on the Lord for direction, He illuminates obstacles ahead unseen to our limited view. Fortunately, God sees the whole picture and all the possible outcomes over time.

I'm reminded of Paul's shipwreck story in Acts 27. Despite Paul's warning that disaster loomed if they sailed, the crew clung to their faulty expertise. Sure enough, their "sound decision" ended in a shipwreck!

Friends, let’s proceed with humble caution the next time we feel confident of some course. Lay out the fleece, seek godly counsel, and seek God’s perfect will.

Only God's all-seeing eye discerned that a warm Saturday, not a deceptively sunny Friday, held the better hike. His ways prove best every time. As Isaiah declares, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" (55:8).

However wise our plans appear, let's hold them loosely. Seek the Lord's direction first and foremost. He alone navigates us around life's cliffs, guiding our steps toward peace.  And His way likely doesn’t include frostbite!


An Outbreak of Joy


Finding Courage in Unseen Allies