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Finding Beauty in Our Brokenness
Encouragement, Comfort, weariness Dana Rongione Encouragement, Comfort, weariness Dana Rongione

Finding Beauty in Our Brokenness

We can all relate to that feeling of falling apart at the seams, can we? Especially when life throws us curveballs that we weren't expecting. But here's the thing: God can still use us to make beautiful music even when we feel like we’re falling to pieces.

Take the grand old pipe organ in one of our small town chapels, for example. It’s been around longer than anyone can remember, and unfortunately, it's seen better days. The coolness and dampness of the Welsh air have taken their toll. So much so that during a recent service, some of the keys literally fell off while the organist was playing! Talk about a disaster, right? I’m glad I wasn’t playing!!!

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Faithful Frolicking
Joy, Positive Life Dana Rongione Joy, Positive Life Dana Rongione

Faithful Frolicking

Wales is a dog-friendly place, and our small town is no exception. So, it’s not unusual to see people out walking their dogs at all times of the day. What is uncommon, however, is one particular dog, who is the talk of the town. The rumor is that the dog was born smack in the middle of the lambing season on a local farm and learned to "walk" by imitating and frolicking with those sprightly spring lambs. Can’t you picture the gleeful puppy bounding along beside them?

Well, whether fact or fiction, the dog has a unique gait. Rather than a standard walk, this canine companion essentially HOPS everywhere he goes! It's honestly one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever seen.

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Eternal Echoes: A Devotional Journey through the Seven Churches
Bible Study Dana Rongione Bible Study Dana Rongione

Eternal Echoes: A Devotional Journey through the Seven Churches

The book of Revelation contains mysteries and prophecies that have confounded readers for centuries. But nestled among the apocalyptic visions are seven letters written directly to seven specific churches in Asia Minor during the first century A.D. On the surface, these letters from Jesus seem simple enough. However, a closer look reveals significant convicting messages for churches and believers today.

Over the next few weeks, I want us to explore these seven letters to the churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3. As we break down each one, I pray we’ll uncover powerful truths to apply to our walks with Christ. Though initially written to actual local churches, the instructions, encouragements, warnings, and promises Jesus gives to the seven churches speak volumes to us now.

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The Cost of Obeying God
Service, Life's Journey Dana Rongione Service, Life's Journey Dana Rongione

The Cost of Obeying God

When the angel Gabriel appeared unto Mary that fateful day, I doubt she had any clue how greatly her life was about to change. After all, his greeting troubled her, and she must have wondered what his words meant. But once he explained God's plan for her to bear the Messiah, she responded with humility and surrender: "Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word" (Luke 1:38).

With those words, Mary agreed to carry the very Son of God in her womb, knowing full well the cost that came with such an honor. She knew people would accuse her of impurity when they noticed her pregnant belly. After all, she was still a virgin espoused to Joseph.

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The Limitless Grace of God
God's goodness, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione God's goodness, Encouragement, Comfort Dana Rongione

The Limitless Grace of God

Have you ever felt the pressure of limitations? In my writing world, it's all about word counts. Many software programs I use offer a specific number of words for a set monthly charge. If I run over my allotted limit, I have to pay extra (sometimes, a lot extra). Therefore, I regularly check my word counters like a nervous bank account holder, ensuring I haven't overdrawn my monthly linguistic budget. It's a constant dance of creativity and calculation.

Thankfully, God doesn't operate on a word count system. There's no divine limit on His love, patience, or grace. We won't find a heavenly dashboard flashing "Overdraft" when we stumble or mess up.

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Up Is Down

Up Is Down

Ahoy there, me hearties! Let's set sail on a journey into the treacherous waters of the Caribbean, where Captain Jack Sparrow and his trusty compass guide us, not toward true north, but rather, toward a profound spiritual lesson.

In the world of pirates and plunder, Captain Jack Sparrow is known for his uncanny ability to navigate the choppy seas. Yet, there's one thing that left even the wiliest pirate scratching his head: a perplexing clue that declared, "Up is Down." When Jack first laid eyes on these words, he famously proclaimed them to be "maddeningly unhelpful." But what if there's more to this cryptic phrase than meets the eye, me hearties?

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Never Too Late for Miracles
Encouragement, Comfort, Patience, waiting Dana Rongione Encouragement, Comfort, Patience, waiting Dana Rongione

Never Too Late for Miracles

Grab a cosy seat because today, we're diving into a story about hope and our Saviour's incredible power. We're cracking open the pages of John 11 to uncover a moment that speaks right to the core of our hearts —a time when it seemed all hope was lost, but Jesus showed us that even in the eleventh hour, miracles are still possible.

John 11 tells us that Lazarus, a dear friend of Jesus, had fallen seriously ill. His sisters, Mary and Martha, were understandably distraught and sent word to Jesus, hoping He'd come quickly to heal their brother. Oddly enough, Jesus didn't rush to their aid but remained where he was for another two days.

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Hope for the Heavy Heart

Hope for the Heavy Heart

Some of you have probably wondered where I’ve been and why I haven’t been writing. It’s quite a long story, so let me sum it up the best I can. In the past three weeks, our entire ministry team has been sick with the flu. Tennille and I finished preparing for and hosted the annual ladies’ retreat with nearly 60 ladies in attendance for the week. Jason celebrated his birthday. And we’ve been finding and setting up a new sponsorship in Wales after finding out that the church hosting us was told they no longer qualified. Yes, due to some weird changes in the wording of the laws regarding sponsorship, our sponsorship was revoked, making our visas invalid.

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