God’s Perfect Timing

I have some exciting news to share with you. After months of waiting, prayers, and a touch of impatience, our visas to stay in Wales have finally been approved! Can I get a hallelujah?

Let me be honest: waiting is no one's favorite activity. It's like being stuck in a perpetual line at the grocery store when all you want is to get home and enjoy your snacks (especially the chocolate ones). But hey, here we are, snacks in hand (figuratively speaking), celebrating the sweet taste of victory.  And let me tell you, it tastes so good!

During those seemingly endless months, it felt like we were in some divine waiting room, flipping through heavenly magazines, wondering when our number would be called. Little did we know that God was orchestrating a masterpiece in the background, working out the details in His perfect timing.

Due to the extended waiting period, our three-year visas will now get us to the coveted five-year-in-country mark, at which point we can apply for our "indefinite leave to remain.”  Translation: no more sponsorship or visa hassles after five years in the country. Can I get another hallelujah?

It's like God was playing 4D chess while we were attempting checkers. We thought the wait was a nuisance, but in reality, it was divine choreography. If the process had zoomed by (like we prayed it would), we would have ended up with visas that expired too soon, sending us back to the paperwork drawing board.  But instead, God gave us exactly what we needed precisely when we needed it! I can almost hear God chuckling, saying, "Hang tight, Dana. I've got this."

It's a beautiful reminder that His timing is, without a doubt, perfect. We may grumble in the waiting room, but God is always on time, orchestrating events in a way that leaves us saying, "Wow, God, you really know what you're doing, huh?"

This experience echoes the truth in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Our waiting had a purpose, and the timing was spot on. Our story aligns with the beautiful tapestry God is weaving for us.

So, trust in His timing, whether you’re waiting on a visa, a breakthrough, or just trying to survive the grocery store line. His clock never runs early or late. Let's learn to enjoy the divine snacks He provides while we wait.  Chocolate, anyone?


The Limitless Grace of God


An Excerpt from Hope Reborn