Dana Rongione

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Worth the Journey

On our days off, Jason and I have been exploring this wonderful country and seeing what new hiking opportunities we can discover. Recently, on one such excursion, we found a real gem. This series of trails has a little bit of everything: logging roads, gravel, forest bed, rock, asphalt, and dirt. At times the trails meander through the woods. Other times, they lead across pasture land. There are waterfalls to see and a wild assortment of bridges to cross (some of which are a bit “iffy” for my taste). As if all of that weren’t enough, the trails offer fantastic mountain and valley views, creepy caves, and even a majestic stone archway. Seriously, this area of hiking has it all!

There’s only one problem. The journey to this park is nearly an hour’s drive, which is disappointing but not an issue. We’re used to long drives to get to good hiking spots. No, it’s not the length of the trip that gives me pause; it’s the type of drive. To get to this area, you have to navigate many tiny Welsh roads that scare the daylights out of me. The streets are one-lane wide but open to two-way traffic. Now, that would be okay if they were long, straight paths where you could see for miles ahead. But, no, that’s not the case. These roads wind around, up, and over. And while there’s not a lot of traffic on these roads, there’s enough that on more than one occasion, we’ve turned a corner and found ourselves nose to nose with another vehicle, meaning one of us had to back up and find a place to pull off.

Jason is not intimidated by these roads and is happy to fly along, zipping around corners and racing down the hills. (Did I mention the speed limit on these roads is 60mph? Seriously? Who does that?). Anyway, he’s not phased by the experience, and I try not to be. I try to sit back and enjoy the view, for it truly is breathtaking. But, honestly, it’s difficult for me to relax on those crazy little roads.

Despite my apprehension, however, we keep returning to that hiking area. It’s not that I’m a glutton for punishment or enjoy being scared out of my wits. No, I’ve realized the destination is well worth the journey.

Let’s face it, sometimes life is downright scary and uncertain. Some days, it’s hard to put one foot in front of another, let alone do it with a smile. The journey through life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs. It’s a virtual roller coaster of thoughts, emotions, and even turmoil. Often, it seems like the best thing to do is quit. But that, my friends, is when we need to remember that the destination is well worth the journey. Yes, Heaven will be worth it all!

So, don’t lose hope. Keep traveling the road the Lord has set before you. Yes, sometimes you may have to grit your teeth or even close your eyes out of fear, and that’s okay. Just remember, you’re not traveling alone. God is with you. He is for you. Keep that destination in view, and the journey won’t seem so daunting. You’ve got this!

For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. - Romans 8:18