Dana Rongione

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More Than Just a Book

Recently, Jason and I had the opportunity to meet and witness to a woman who received one of our promotion leaflets in the mail. Unfortunately, this dear lady has led a rough life and is very mixed up in what she believes. Being a self-proclaimed mystic, her behavior was peculiar and downright scary.  

As she spoke of her guilt and shame, we assured her that there was no sin too great that God could not forgive it. We then went on to share some Scripture with her. Immediately, her demeanor changed, and she stated through clenched teeth, “The Bible is not my way. I cannot be confined or bound by words.” We tried to help her see that the Bible was more than mere words, but she refused to hear us out.

The day after visiting with her, I was looking for something in my office, and I came across an outline I had written out a few years ago detailing the benefits of the Bible according to Psalm 119. After such a strange and challenging encounter, the Lord knew I needed this encouragement and confirmation of what we had tried to tell this dear woman. The Bible is alive, and it is powerful. Don’t believe me? Let the psalmist tell you.

Benefits of the Bible:

 • It cleanses our way - vs. 9

 • It keeps us from sin - vs. 11

 • It holds wondrous things - vs. 18

 • It offers delight - vs. 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 92, 143, 174

 • It gives life - vs. 25, 37, 40, 88, 93, 107. 149, 154, 156, 159

 • It gives strength - vs. 28

 • It displays God’s mercy - vs. 41

 • It gives us hope - vs. 43, 49, 74, 81, 114, 147

 • It offers liberty - vs. 45, 170

 • It brings comfort - vs. 50, 52, 76

 • It induces a song - vs. 54

 • It guides us - vs. 59, 133

 • It teaches us - vs. 66, 73, 102, 104, 124, 125, 144, 169

 • It is forever settled in Heaven - vs. 89, 152, 160

 • It has no limits - vs. 96

 • It is the source of positive thinking - vs. 97, 148

 • It makes us wise - vs. 98-100

 • It illuminates our path - vs. 105, 130

 • It brings rejoicing - vs. 111

 • It upholds us - vs. 116-117

 • It is right in all things - vs. 128, 138, 142, 151, 172

 • It is wonderful - vs. 129

 • It is pure - vs. 140

 • It is a source of peace - vs. 165

 • It gives us help - vs. 175

Now, I don’t know about you, but if a single psalm (granted, it is the longest psalm) can tell us all of that about the Bible, how much more impactful and beneficial is it to us? The Word of God is so much more than just a book. It’s a love letter from our Heavenly Father. It’s an instruction book on how to live a peaceful life. It’s an almanac of things that have happened and those that are yet to come. It’s a sword to fight the enemy and a blanket to calm and soothe the soul. Oh, there is no end to the list of descriptors we could use for this precious gem. It doesn’t bind or confine; it frees. I pray this dear lady will understand that one day, and I pray you do, too.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12