Dana Rongione

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From Silence to Symphony

For authors like me, book reviews and word of mouth are the building blocks to success both for the author and the books they write. It is beyond discouraging when my best work is lost in the sea of worthless dribble and harmful lies that somehow still make it to the top of the bestseller charts. Meanwhile, my books sit so far down the ranking that no one could find them if they tried. All those long nights working, all that sweat and inspiration are gone with no recognition from anyone. Many writers know this feeling, the soul-consuming emptiness of unappreciated hard work. (Cue heavy sigh and heartfelt sob!)

As an author, it's disheartening when my books, akin to my literary child, don’t get the applause they deserve. I hope to see reviews cascade like confetti, a celebration of my words touching hearts and minds. But, the silence echoes louder than the loudest critique, leaving me in the void of unspoken appreciation. In the book world, silence isn't golden; it's heartbreakingly deafening.

As much as it pains authors for our work to seemingly go unnoticed and unappreciated, imagine how much it pains our precious Lord. He's penned the story of our lives with infinite care and love. His book, the Bible, is a masterpiece, and our individual tales are riveting chapters in the current tale He is writing. He longs to hear the resounding praise for His work in the quiet chambers of prayer and the clamour of our daily lives.

Oh, how God's heart aches when the symphony of gratitude falls silent! We, His penned creations, sometimes forget to leave a spiritual review. How incredible is it that the Creator of the universe desires to hear His name on our lips, not just in solitary conversations but in vibrant discussions with our fellow souls?

Imagine this: The Creator of all life, eagerly awaiting reviews for the book of eternity He has written. His name should be proclaimed with exaltation and admiration, but it is instead buried beneath the buzz of everyday obsessions. It's like an author watching their efforts being disregarded when they had hoped their words would inspire, encourage, and change lives.

My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord: and let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. - Psalm 145:21

We have an invitation to turn our silence into a symphony of praise. Our lives should be a continuous book club meeting where we discuss and celebrate the wonders God has penned into our stories. Just as authors crave acknowledgment for our written words, God delights in our acknowledgment of His divine words and deeds.

Our praise isn't just for Him; it's for us too. It transforms our perspective, inviting joy and gratitude into the narrative of our lives. So, let's be the vocal fans of the divine Author. Let's flood the heavens with gratitude, ensuring the world’s racket doesn’t drown out our Lord’s masterpiece. In our everyday conversations, social media posts, and the quiet recesses of our hearts, let's ensure that the Author of life gets the rave reviews He truly deserves. After all, we are characters in the most extraordinary story ever written, and our praises echo through the pages of eternity.