Dana Rongione

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Foreground Faith

Today, I'd like to tell you a little bit about my favorite design software, Canva. I've been a Canva fan for years now, using it for everything in my writing ministry—from creating images for my blog and social media posts to designing videos and even book covers. Since becoming a missionary, it's become even more invaluable, helping me make everything from business cards to banners.

One of my favorite features is called "Position." This handy tool lets me shuffle elements between the foreground and background of my projects. It's like having a magical switch that lets me focus on one part of my design at a time.

Need to spotlight a particular element? No problem! Just a few clicks, and I can push less important bits to the background, like tucking away clutter behind a curtain. And when I'm ready to bring them back? Presto! They're right where I left them, waiting for their turn to shine.

This feature has done wonders for keeping my digital workspace tidy and for keeping me sane during complicated projects. It's like having a little organization fairy at my fingertips, making my creative process so much smoother. Who knew such a simple tool could bring so much joy to this designer's heart?

As I was tinkering with this feature recently, I couldn't help but think about how we sometimes treat God. We might not realize it, but we push Him to the background, keeping Him there in case we need Him. Meanwhile, we go about our business and live life our way.

Now, I'm not saying we do this intentionally. Sometimes, it's just easier to focus on the things right in front of us—our jobs, families, and hobbies. But when we do this, we risk missing out on God's presence in our lives.

Take a look at Matthew 6:33, where Jesus says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." When we prioritize God and put Him in the foreground of our lives, everything else falls into place. We might not have all the answers, but we can trust He does.

So, how do we ensure God stays front and center? It's all about intentionally seeking Him each day. Pray, read His Word, and listen for His voice. Make time for Him, even when life gets busy.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm not perfect at this. There are days when I let other things take priority, and I end up feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from God. But when I step back and refocus on Him, I'm reminded of His love and grace.

Let's challenge ourselves to keep God in the foreground of our lives, not just as a backup plan but as our guiding force. When we do, we'll find He's not just there to help us when we're in a bind.  He's there to lead, guide, and love us every step of the way.