Dana Rongione

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For a Season

Do you ever grow weary of fighting the same battles?  Facing the same temptations?  Slaying the same giants?  I don’t know about you, but some days I wonder what I’m doing wrong.  I’ve heard testimonies of people who have recovered from addictions or were brought out of some deep sin and now testify that since being saved, they’ve never even wanted to return to their old ways.  They’ve never been tempted to take another drink, inhale another drug, or participate in another affair.

When I hear stories like this, part of me is thrilled for the person, but honestly, another part of me is a bit jealous.  Never tempted?  It’s not that I don’t believe them.  It’s simply that I don’t share that particular testimony.  I know I’m saved, but I battle the devil and temptations of the flesh quite regularly.  So, I find myself wondering, Is this normal?  Is it supposed to be this way?  Or am I more messed up than I realized?

If you ask yourself these same questions, I have good news for you today.  Temptation is normal.  It’s not supposed to be this way, but it is because we live in a fallen world.  And no, you’re not more messed up than you realized.  If you are, then Jesus was too.

Remember the story where Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty days?  Three times during that period, Satan came to tempt Him, and three times, Jesus fought Him off with the power of the Word of God.  It’s an excellent account and reminds us how important it is to hide God’s Word in our hearts because we never know when we might need to fight off the enemy with the Truth.

For the sake of time, we’re not going to look at the entire passage right now, but I want to focus on the last verse of the account.

And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season. - Luke 4:13

As far as I know, this is the only Scriptural account of Jesus being tempted by Satan, but according to the last phrase of verse 13, it wasn’t a one-time occurrence.  The Bible tells us that Satan departed from Jesus for a season, not forever.  Though Jesus didn’t falter and fought valiantly with the Scripture, that didn’t keep the enemy from returning time and again.  Just because Satan lost the battle didn’t mean he intended to lose the war.  So, he continued to hound Jesus with temptations.

As you can see, those who battle continuously with temptations are in good company.  If the enemy is bothering us, that’s a good indication we’re doing good things for God, and Satan is trying to thwart us.  If the flesh is nagging us, it’s simply a reminder that we are not yet living in glorified bodies.

That being said, our best weapon is the Word of God.  Like Jesus, we need to know the truth, so it can set us free.  Freedom from temptation may be temporary as the enemy often goes away to regroup and comes back even stronger than before.  But as long as we fight with the Word of God, we cannot lose.  The battles may be many, but they can also be stepping stones to getting closer to God by meditating on His Word day and night, keeping it ever present in our hearts and on our lips.

If you’re struggling with temptation today, remember Jesus knows exactly what you’re going through.  He’s been there.  He’s faced those battles.  Let’s follow His example and come out victorious.  And if the enemy returns (which he likely will), let’s have our hearts and minds ready to give him another dose of truth.  That will keep him at bay. . .at least, for a season.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. - John 8:32

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