Dana Rongione

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Brick By Brick

Who doesn't love a good construction analogy? We've all seen captivating time-lapse videos of buildings rising from the ground up, each brick or beam carefully placed, and every detail considered. That's how God works in our lives—with precision, purpose, and a master plan.

Construction projects sure do take you on a journey, don't they? One day, you're standing in an empty field or a run-down house, dreaming of what could be. The next, you're driving the first stake into the ground or swinging that sledgehammer through the first wall.

It's exhilarating. It's daunting. It makes you feel alive.

When God first lays a calling on your heart, it's a lot like that empty lot or dilapidated house. You survey the land and think, "How can anything beautiful come from this?" But then the Spirit starts stirring, and you grab hold of the vision. The blueprint comes into focus. You can see so clearly what God wants to build within you.

What He wants to construct in your character, your ministry, your relationships. It's exciting! You start gathering supplies and resources, eager to get started. You drive that first stake of obedience into the ground or smash through the flaws and habits holding you back. Progress feels great.

But then the real work begins—the digging, hauling, nailing, and sweating. Tasks that seemed quick and simple now require more time and toil than you expected. The fun parts, like framing and painting, are interspersed with the tedious parts, like plumbing and insulation. Areas you thought were finished get called into question later.

Likewise, in our spiritual journey, the initial zeal fades into long seasons of repetitive work and attention to unseen details. We lose steam.  Construction zones get messy, and so does growth. We unearth issues we didn't know existed. The process dredges up doubts and insecurities we thought we'd dealt with.

But you know what? That's okay. It's all part of the process. Growing pains lead to greater gains. Just like construction crews need the hidden framework to support what's visible, we need that behind-the-scenes work on our foundation, too.

When you hit those discouraging points in your own journey, remember that God is still at work. The Author of your story is also the Master Builder engineering your life. As it says in Psalm 127:1, "Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." We may get weary, but He does not.

The work feels slow, but His vision remains sure. The project seems daunting, but His resources are unlimited. So don't get discouraged by the mess, delays, or backbreaking toil. You're still moving forward. Progress is happening even when you can't see it.

As Paul said in Philippians 1:6, "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." God always completes what He starts. He is faithful in finishing the work in our hearts, relationships, and ministries.