Dana Rongione

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Beautiful, But Deadly

While hiking and walking throughout different areas in the UK this summer, we’ve become familiar with the foxglove plant. The foxglove blooms on a long stalk and has bell-shaped flowers typically in pink, purple, or white hues. The insides of the flowers often have a pattern resembling an animal print. They are truly fascinating to study and can be found throughout the area this time of year.

Unfortunately, they are also very deadly. Foxglove contains toxins that can affect the heart, causing it to slow or race depending on the individual and the amount of contact with the plant. Even touching these abundant flowers can be fatal as the toxins could make their way into your system through the pores, an open wound, or other openings like the eyes, nose, and mouth. Oddly enough, the toxins can be refined to make heart medications like Digitalin.

Crazy, isn’t it? That something so beautiful and elegant can be so deadly. It can cause a heart attack or prevent one. Lovely, but fatal. A poison, but also a cure. It’s such a contradiction. All I know is when I see these magnificent blooms, I admire them from a distance.

Like many things in nature, foxglove is an important reminder—just because something looks nice doesn’t mean it is. Sure, that guy may be handsome, but is he a gentleman? Yes, the job may seem like your dream job, but have you looked at it from every angle? Admittedly, she appears to have a perfect life, but do you know what goes on behind the scenes? Looks can be deceiving. Pictures and social media can lie to you. As the old saying goes, “Not all that glitters is gold.”

This, my friends, is one of the reasons we need to study God’s Word. Do you know how I found out about the toxicity of the foxglove? I looked it up (thankfully before I touched the crazy thing). We would do well to find out what the Bible has to say about the situations we face in life. No, the Scriptures won’t tell you specifically which guy to marry or what job to take, but they will guide you into knowing the difference between what looks good and what is good.

Let’s face it, life is full of living contradictions like the foxglove. The only way we’ll make it through this maze is by relying on the One who sees all things as they truly are and knows them without having to ask Google or Siri. We need to get in the Word daily. We need to spend time learning how to navigate confusing situations and how to spot wolves in sheep’s clothing. It might just save our lives!

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. - II Timothy 3:16-17