Dana Rongione

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Are You Ready?

Walking in Wales is—well—unpredictable. One minute the sun is shining, and the next, it’s pouring rain. Sure, you can check the weather forecast, but it’s seldom accurate and of little use. If you’re waiting for the perfect weather to take your daily stroll or do some outdoor activity, you’ll be waiting a while.

Over the past week, I’ve walked out the front door on three separate occasions only to return a few moments later to grab my rain jacket. The weather had looked fine as I got ready for my walk, but by the time I got outside, the sprinkles had begun. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), within five minutes of my walk, the rain ceased, the sun came out, and the jacket came off. I wore my coat for five minutes and carried it the rest of the hour. Hmm.

This morning, I was determined I wouldn’t be fooled again. Though the clouds threatened rain and the forecast predicted the same, I was not interested in carrying my jacket. The first few minutes of my walk were fine, but then the sprinkles began. I wasn’t deterred because I was sure it would soon pass. A few minutes later, Jason called, asking if I wanted him to bring me my jacket. Adamant in my decision, I denied his kind offer. After another few minutes, the rain slackened and finally quit.

I continued my prayer walk, a bit soggy but still glad I had decided against my jacket. I had already gotten warm from my exertion, and I didn’t want the extra weight or bulk of a coat. Yup, I was proud of myself. (You know what’s coming, right?)

Due to an incident with a wayward sheep (long story), I cut my four-mile walk short and turned around a bit early. Within two minutes, the rain began to pour in earnest. I picked up my pace, hoping to make it to the shelter of the trees before I became completely soaked. While the green canopy overhead offered some relief from the precipitation, I still received my fair share of raindrops. The more I walked, the more I berated myself for not being prepared. So what if I had to carry my jacket? At least I would be dry. Yes, with every soggy step, I realized that what had seemed like a good idea was actually careless and lazy. I know the weather can change at the drop of a hat (or a few raindrops). I am well aware of how fickle the temperature and climate changes can be around here. I should have known better. Next time, I’m taking my jacket.

The Bible has a lot to say about being prepared, but one of the verses that came to my mind this morning as I splashed my way home was this:

But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: - I Peter 3:15

Be ready always! Not just on Sundays, good days, or days when we feel we have the time. Not only on days when the weather is good or with the person whose temperament is pleasing. Not only on the occasions we feel good or strong or bold. Always! We should always be a light to those walking in darkness. We should always have an answer for those who have lost all hope. We should always be ready to witness to the lost or encourage the saved. It doesn’t matter if we feel equipped for the job or are confident someone else could do it better. God says, “Be ready!”

Take it from this soggy writer, it’s better to be prepared. And the way to be ready to tell others about Jesus is to make sure you know as much about Him as possible. Read His Word. Spend time with Him in prayer. Go to church and Bible study. Soak in everything you can about our Lord and Savior. Before long, you’ll realize the things you’ve learned and experienced in God’s presence are oozing out of you and affecting those around you. Before you know it, you’re a source of light and hope.

Are you ready? Are you prepared?

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