Dana Rongione

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A New Christmas Tradition

Christmas is a time of tradition and familiarity. Seeing the collection of ornaments we’ve collected through the years always brings back fond memories. Gathering together with family to open gifts and play games was always a highlight.

This Christmas will be a bit different. Yes, we were able to bring a few things with us to Wales to make it feel more familiar, but as we grow closer to that holy day, we’re realizing just how many things are new and different for us this year. We knew it would be our first Christmas away from our family, and we’ve expected that to be difficult. What we didn’t expect, however, is that the time-honored Christmas carols we’ve sung all our lives would be different here. Some of the carols have different tunes while others boast completely different words. And some of the carols that are popular here I’ve never even heard!

I was also a bit bummed when I went to order the ingredients for the seven-layer cookie bars I make each year only to discover some of the ingredients aren’t available here. There’s no such thing as graham crackers in the UK, and butterscotch chips are about as difficult to find as a four-leaf clover.

Yet, with all that’s different, we’ve still been able to enjoy some wonderful traditions in our home. Last night, we watched the Muppet’s Christmas Carol, and this morning, we snuggled in bed with our sweet pup and laughed our way through Charlie Brown’s Christmas.

As we watched, I was reminded of another tradition I started a few years ago, and it, too, revolves around Charlie Brown. About three years ago, I stumbled across an article called “Drop the Blanket” that described an easily-missed scene and message in the Charlie Brown Christmas movie. I decided then and there that I wanted to share the link to that article each year as part of my Christmas celebration. After all, it reminds us what the season is all about. So, without further ado, please enjoy “Drop the Blanket.”