Dana Rongione

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More Charlie Brown Moments

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Last week, I shared with you the joyous news of how God had been working in our lives regarding our house and soon-to-be-home (aka, motorhome).  Oh, how quickly the tides can turn, but before I say any more, let me state firmly for your sake and mine, God is still working.  The difference is, it’s not quite as obvious now.

The contract on our house fell through.  The inspection didn’t go well (mostly because the house is old and was built according to the standards of seventy years ago, which are now “out of code.”)  The buyers were scared off and asked to be released from the contract.  Our realtor has recommended we pull the house off the market, for the time being, address as many issues as we can, and put the house back on the market after the new year.  This leaves our contract concerning our motorhome in question since the cutoff date for it is January 20th.  In short, in a matter of a few days, everything turned upside down, and we began the house selling process all over again.

Obviously, we’re discouraged by this change of direction and what feels like another long delay in our journey, but we’re choosing to trust in God’s timing.  And though we cannot currently trace His hand (because we have no idea what He’s doing or why He’s doing it), we can trust His heart.  

Along those lines, I wanted to share with you a compelling devotion I stumbled upon a few days ago.  The devotion revolves around the Christmas classic, A Charlie Brown Christmas (which interestingly enough I mentioned in my last post).  I absolutely love the message the author portrays in this devotion (well, technically, devotions, as there are two of them), and I knew I had to share it with you.  I encourage you to follow the links below and read about something I bet you’ve never noticed while watching Snoopy and the gang.  It was just the reminder I needed during this bittersweet time.

And, dear friends, I wish each and everyone one of you a very Merry Christmas!

Just Drop the Blanket: The Moment You Never Noticed in A Charlie Brown Christmas

Drop the Blanket 2: The Rest of Linus's Story from A Charlie Brown Christmas