Dana Rongione

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No Bridge!

At the time of this writing, Jason and I are in Dickson, Tennessee for a Missions Conference. Today, we decided to do some hiking at the nearby state park. The first thing we discovered was that the bugs in Tennessee are worse than the bugs in the upstate of South Carolina, and I didn’t think that was possible.

The second thing we found out is the path we chose to hike was perhaps not the best choice. Nearly two-thirds of the way through the hike, we came upon a sign that warned of a bridge outage ahead. We hiked a bit further, hoping that the bridge was located on one of the other branching trails. No such luck! If you look at the pictures below, you’ll see all that remains of the bridge after a recent storm. Yup, that big monument-looking stone is the center support for the bridge, but there was no sign of the bridge itself.

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As we surveyed the river before us, we knew we had two options. One, we could turn around and go back the way we came. Or two, we could try to cross the river without the bridge. Being the big chicken I am, I opted for the first choice, but Jason convinced me the river was easy enough to cross. Believe it or not, we both crossed without getting wet (and if you knew how clumsy we both are, you’d realize what a feat that was).

Once across the river, I turned back to take some pictures. As I shot my photos, a catchy caption came to mind: “No bridge; no problem!” I smiled at my wittiness and the fact that I was still dry after crossing the river without a bridge or boat, and we continued our hike. But my caption rolled around in my head, taking on a new meaning and a sober reminder.

When it came time for Jason and me to cross that little river, it really wasn’t that difficult (despite my protests). No bridge; no problem. But when it comes to crossing the vast gulf between God and man, no bridge, big problem. The chasm is too wide. The distance is too far. Man cannot make his own way. He must use the bridge—Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to Heaven. There is no get-around or alternate route. Man must go through Jesus or not at all. No matter how good, creative, or clever a man (or woman) may be, he (or she) cannot arrange their way into God’s presence. It is only through the blood of Jesus.

You may be reading this and thinking, Amen. Good message, but it doesn’t apply to me because I’m already saved. If that’s the case, I’m so glad to know you’re part of the family of God, but have you invited anyone else to join you? When was the last time you told those around you about Jesus? Have you shared with others that Jesus is the only way to Heaven?

I’m not trying to put anyone on a guilt trip. I promise. I’ll be the first to admit I don’t witness as I should. And that’s why today’s reminder was so convicting to me. I know I’m saved, but I also know I could do much better at telling others the good news. After all, when it comes to Heaven, no Bridge, big problem!!!