Dana Rongione

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Almost Finished

“I’m almost finished.” I cannot tell you how many times I’ve said that over the past few weeks. The sad part is each time I said it I was referring to the same task—reworking our website. Over the years, I’ve built several sites on many platforms, but I always seem to forget how long it takes to get everything just right. This time was no different. As soon as I finished one page, I realized I had forgotten to add this or that. Then, I’d think I was finished with a section only to have someone write to me and say they had tried to access a page and received an error message. GRRRR! Not to them, of course. To me!  

Today, as I glanced over my to-do list, I noticed it looks the same as every day over the past month or so—“Work on Website.” May I be honest with you? I’m tired of working on the website, and it’s only one of the online areas that needs to be tweaked. Good grief! When I boil it all down, the truth is I’m tired of thinking I’m almost done only to be met with the realization that I’m far from finished. It’s depressing and discouraging. It makes me feel slow and unproductive. The lack of progress makes me want to run to my favorite comfort foods, which I know would only result in me being unproductive and fat.

But I wonder if my frustration with the website runs deeper than transferring domain names and setting up SEO. I wonder if it’s the connection I see to my spiritual walk. How many times in my Christian growth have I felt I was almost there (“there” being the place I think I ought to be, especially regarding my love for others and trust in God), only to discover—much like the website—that I was far from the finish line?

Does anyone else feel this way? Do you have days where you think you could storm the gates of Hell with a water pistol, but the next day struggle to speak a kind word or think a positive thought? Do you ever experience the feeling that FINALLY all that time in prayer and Bible reading is paying off, and you’re maturing spiritually only to find yourself, a few moments later, throwing a tantrum over something that didn’t go your way? Sometimes my spiritual walk feels like the mood swing scene in the movie, Tangled.


I can’t believe I did this!

Mother would be so furious. 

But that’s okay. I mean, what she doesn’t know won’t kill her, right? 

Oh, my gosh. This would kill her. 

This is so fun!! 

I am a horrible daughter. I’m going back. 

I am never going back! 

I am a despicable human being. 

WOO-HOO! Best day ever! 

(Breaks down crying.)

Can you relate? If so, here’s what I’ve learned, both in my spiritual walk and in the process of building a website. The job will never be finished this side of Heaven. There’s always more to do, things to add, stuff to take away, and areas to tweak. As life changes, we must adjust to our new circumstances, surroundings, and pathways. Life isn’t a destination; it’s a journey. We should enjoy it. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the learning experience. Enjoy the new scenery. And most of all, appreciate the fact that we’re not walking or working alone.

No, we may not be finished yet, but God is still working in us, on us, and through us. Take comfort in that. We’re not alone. We don’t have to do all the work. We don’t have to have all the answers or know all the steps. We only need to trust and obey. God’s got this. He finished the work on Calvary, and He’ll complete the work He has begun in us. We can count on it!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a website to work on. After all, I’m almost done!

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: ”

— Philippians 1:6