Dana Rongione

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Literally Fishing for Men

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men..png And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men..png

I'm dealing with a bit of vertigo today.  Actually, that's an understatement.  My world is spinning, and, as you can imagine, I'm finding it difficult to focus on anything other than staying upright.  That being said, I borrowed today's devotion from a fellow author, Kent Crockett.  I hope you'll enjoy this inspiring lesson and head over to his website to see what else he has to offer.

In July 2008, Bob Greene of Hallowell, Maine was having his morning coffee when he thought he heard someone calling for help. The cry of distress came for a man bobbing in the Kennebec River. Greene called 911, where the dispatcher told him to throw something to the man. He grabbed his fishing pole, cast out a line, and snagged the man’s shirt with a fishing lure. He reeled him safely to shore, where the rescued man was immediately taken to a Portland hospital for further care.

Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). If you aren’t fishing, you aren’t following. Just as Bob Greene fished for a man, we can follow his example.

First, be sensitive enough to hear the cry of people who need to be saved. Greene could have ignored the voice he heard.

Second, respond to the call for help. Change your priorities. Lay down your coffee cup and grab your fishing pole.

Third, throw out a line. Find a way to explain the gospel in a way the person will understand it.

Fourth, reel him in. Lead the person in prayer to receive Jesus Christ.

Fifth, provide proper follow-up. The rescued man wasn’t left on the shore but checked into a hospital. Help the saved person to get involved in Christian fellowship.

— Kent Crockett's Sermon Illustrations, www.kentcrockett.com