Dana Rongione

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The Highway to Healing

join us to see him offsaturday • may 20, 2018 • 2_00 pmgreat buffet restaurant792 pine ave., west harbour squarelong beach, ca.png join us to see him offsaturday • may 20, 2018 • 2_00 pmgreat buffet restaurant792 pine ave., west harbour squarelong beach, ca.png
Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?

— John 5:2,5-6

Wilt thou be made whole? In other words, do you want to be healed? What a strange question! I can’t think of anyone in their right mind who would answer “no” to such an inquiry. It makes me wonder why Jesus asked such a thing. How about you?

I can’t know Jesus’ motives, but based on other Scripture, I can guess about this odd query. I believe Jesus asked so this man would have to be honest with himself, to admit he could not be healed on his own. Jesus wanted him to admit his inability to help himself. Why? So God would get the glory. Plus, the first step on the highway to healing is to admit there’s a problem.

We live in a day and age where the means of dealing with our many issues are simply to distract us from the problem. We bury ourselves in work, immerse ourselves in social media, or hide away in the make-believe world of television. We keep ourselves busy every moment of every day, never taking the time to reflect on our spiritual needs or faults. When our avoidance of the issues is questioned, we state, “I’ll deal with it later. There’s just so much to do right now.” But we know that as soon as we acknowledge the issue, we must deal with it, and that can be a long, ugly process.  

So, why open that can of worms, right? Because healing will never occur until we acknowledge that we need it. That first step on the highway of healing is the most difficult of them all. It requires us to step out of that pretty little picture of our lives we’ve displayed for all to see and admit we don’t have it all together. It means opening ourselves up to God and others and proclaiming, “I’m not alright. I need help!”

Today, I give each of you the opportunity to do just that, and so you don’t feel as if I’m prying into your lives, I’ll go first. Fair enough?

I am currently struggling with idols in my life. No, I haven’t carved any statues of wood or gold, but I have been using food and energy drinks as my comfort and refuge. When anxiety and depression threaten, I run to the refrigerator instead of to the Lord even though I know the food will offer no real comfort. I am embarrassed to admit this failing because I’ve written an entire series of books on dealing with anxiety and depression, and I can tell you, without a doubt, that the methods outlined in those books work. So, why am I struggling? Because I stopped trying. I grew tired and weary, let down my guard, and returned to my old ways of coping. And now, I’m trying to fight my way back out of this dark, lonely pit into which I’ve led myself. I would appreciate your prayers as I return to the Rise Up and Build method and process my anxiety and depression properly instead of allowing food to become my god of comfort.

Now, it’s your turn. Are you willing to take that first step on the highway to healing? Would you like us to help you pray about a current struggle you’re facing? Whatever it is, this is a safe place, and I invite you to be honest and open about your current spiritual battle and leave a comment below. Sometimes, just getting the burden out there is helpful, so please, don’t bear your burden alone any longer. I want to pray for you, and I know others feel the same. Take that first step of healing and don’t look back!