Dana Rongione

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Stepping Out in Faith

Stepping out in faith is seldom easy,but it's alwaysworth it!.jpg Stepping out in faith is seldom easy,but it's alwaysworth it!.jpg

As we already established in our study on confidence, God can be trusted.  His promises are true, and He never goes back on His Word.  We see evidence of this throughout the Bible, but today, I want to look at a couple of particular verses that bear witness to God’s faithfulness to do what He says.

For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.

— Luke 21:15
And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.

— Acts 6:10

In Luke 21, God makes a promise to His disciples that He will give them the words of wisdom to speak and no one will be able to resist or contradict them.  They may try, but their disputes will have no grounds.  Then, in Acts 6, we see that promise fulfilled in the story of Stephen.  Now, whether Stephen was there in Luke 21 when God made His proclamation, I have no idea.  But, it seems to me that God’s promise wasn’t only for the twelve disciples but for all who proclaim His Word and seek to glorify Him.  Yes, the world may try to resist our testimonies and witness, but their arguments have no validity and, most of the time, don’t even make sense.  Since they can’t justify their beliefs, they lash out in anger, just as they did with Stephen.  That is why Christians are hated throughout the world.  But that’s a point for another day.

What I want to stress today is the fact that God is true to His Word.  Nearly one year ago, I had to make a decision.  When asked to speak at a ladies’ retreat nearly 4,000 miles away, I hesitated.  Where would I get that kind of money?  Would my health allow me even to make such a trip?  Am I willing to step THAT FAR out of my comfort zone?  I agreed to pray about it, but in the back of my mind, I was already planning to say, “Nope, I don’t think so.”

Funny how God can change my mind. . .and my plans.  I felt so convicted about the trip that I had no choice but to agree, still having no idea how things would work out.  But here’s the thing—God made me a promise.  He said if I stepped out in faith, He would provide everything we needed to make the trip.  So, I did my part, and then I waited.

For several months, very little happened, and I began to doubt my decision.  Did I hear God correctly?  Did I make the right call?  Should I try to back out and hope they can find someone else?  But time and time again, God reminded me to trust Him, so I did (most of the time).  We are scheduled to leave one week from today, and only in the past few days was our financial goal met and other factors (like finding someone to care for Barnabas) taken care of.  From an earthly standpoint, it seems God waited until the last minute, but when I think about it, He met the need right on time.  Any sooner, and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to continue practicing my faith.  Any later, and worry would have set in.  God came through right on time!

And as if that weren’t enough, He provided above and beyond.  We received more money than our goal.  We discovered that our lodging was going to be much more beautiful yet much less expensive than we were planning.  And not only did we find someone to keep Barnabas, but the Lord directed us to a Christian couple who fell in love with our anxiety-prone pup, ensuring that we can be confident he’s being cared for in the best possible way.  Oh, and did I mention that a caring, generous friend offered to pay for his boarding cost?  See what I mean?  Not only did God do what He said He would do, but He went above and beyond. . . just because He could.  That’s how much God loves us!

Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

— Ephesians 3:20-21

Stepping out in faith is seldom easy, but I can guarantee you it’s always worth it.  And what better way to see the faithfulness of God in action?  Whatever decision you’re facing today, if you know it’s God’s will but fear is holding you back, I urge you to take that first step.  Yes, it’s scary.  Yes, there are a million questions, doubts, and fears.  But take it from someone who has experienced this first-hand.  God is good and faithful.  Where He guides, He always provides.  If He’s made you a promise, you can trust Him to keep it.  It’s impossible for Him to do anything less.  Take that step, and watch God work a miracle in your life!
