Dana Rongione

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God Can Resolve It - A Guest Post

Today I want to do something a little different.  As I prayed and thought about what to post today, nothing was coming to my mind or heart.  When I checked my email, I found a message that I desperately needed (and oddly enough went right along with my lesson about the plankton) and felt I should share it with you.  Below is the email I received this morning from the best-selling author, Eileen Wilder.  Let me say, I have read some Eileen's books and listened to a few of her podcasts, and I've been happy with her message.  Even though I have just released an entire series of books on anxiety and depression, I still intend to purchase Eileen's book, The Pivot Plan.  Maybe I'll do a review of it in a future post.  But for now, take heart is the message she shared today, and enjoy the video at the end of one of my favorite newer songs.

Have you ever felt like you had gotten "victory" in an area...only to find out it resurfaced?

...Recently I found myself struggling with issues I thought I had totally conquered (overwhelm & anxiety) and as it kept surfacing I was getting more and more frustrated!

I was getting mad at myself. "Why is this happening? Where am I missing it?"

And to be totally honest with you...

I began believing that it would never change. That I would wrestle with feeling overwhelm and anxiety forever.

Have you ever been there? Tempted to settle with less than God's best?

So often we get tempted to try to make it happen ourselves, and without realizing it—we are trying to struggle to receive something God would like to FREELY give us.

During a really hard day, I was so discouraged...but I felt the Lord whisper to me: 

"In a split second—I can completely resolve it."

It reminded me of 2 Chronicles 26:29, "...all the people rejoiced because God had provided for the people, for the thing came about suddenly."

It was as if my attitude shifted from "It-will-Never-Happen" to:


If you're struggling with something that is very discouraging, perhaps even emotionally debilitating—I showed up in your inbox today to remind somebody:
And in a split SECOND—He is gonna completely resolve it. Suddenly.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to let the issue GO—and Trust God right now, fully and completely—to take care of your issue.

It's not yours any longer. It's His issue to solve. Amen?

If you are looking to dive in deeper into how to stop struggling and start receiving, my new book The Pivot Plan is designed to reduce stress and resolve low-level depression. You'll find a step-by-step system that will give you:

  • 4 tried and true methods to stop striving that are simple, easy & fast
  • A reframing technique that ends anxiety (in as little as ten seconds)
  • Simple strategies for preventing & defeating low moods
  • The #1 way to actually stop overthinking everything and quit worrying (hint: it has nothing to do with suppressing negative thoughts)

I am 100% convinced before you finish reading The Pivot Plan, you will feel lighter, freer, and enjoy an unexplainable peace of mind.

You can learn more + find some cool new Bonuses (Worth $397!) I'd love to give you.

I know you're going to trust God like never before. Know I appreciate you and am cheering you on every step of the way!

P.S. If you haven't Pre-Ordered yet we have a special BONUS to offer! (Value $397) It's an awesome  2-hour New Year's Strategy Session! (It's me, January 5, 2018, for 2 hours to get you strategic about winning your year).


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDpNFQKOR_0]