Dana Rongione

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My Grown-Up Christmas List

As I drove over to visit my parents last week, I was listening to one of the local Christian radio stations.  In between Christmas music, they were talking with callers about the topic of "What is the one wish you have for Christmas that money can't buy?"  It was an interesting discussion.  One caller mentioned that all she wanted for Christmas was for her son to get off drugs and clean up his life.  Another mother described that her Christmas wish was for her prodigal son to come home.  I was amazed at how many mothers called in with hopes for their children's welfare and/or spiritual growth.

Naturally, as I listened, I wondered what my answer would be.  What is one thing I want for Christmas that money can't buy?  Several things immediately came to mind.  Healing for myself and my family.  A less stressful and more consistent work schedule for Jason.  Expansion in my ministry and outreach.  Spiritual growth and more faith.  Answered prayer for friends and family who have heart-wrenching needs.  It would seem my problem is not thinking of one thing but rather narrowing it down to one thing.

Money is nice.  In fact, I often dream of having more (who doesn't?), but it does my heart good to be reminded from time to time that money isn't everything, nor can it buy everything.  Not all things in life have a monetary price tag, and not all problems in life can be solved by the almighty dollar.  They can, however, be solved by the Almighty God.

Those mothers who called in to the radio station on behalf of their children weren't doing so with hopes that someone would send them money or buy them something nice.  No, it was their way of reaching out to other Christians and saying, "Please help me pray for my child."  These mothers realized that prayer can accomplish far more than money can.  They are putting their trust and the well-being of their children in God's tender care and encouraging others to do the same.

My grown-up Christmas list doesn't include the latest gadgets or new clothes.  Instead, it is a prayer list.  A compilation of wants and needs that only God can supply.  And I happily share some of the items on that list with you today so that you can help me pray.  I also encourage you to share your Christmas wish in the comments below so others (myself included) can see it and help you pray.  Many prayers are more effective than just one.  So, what's the one thing (or more) you would like to have for Christmas this year, and remember, it must be something money can't buy?

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. - James 5:16