Dana Rongione

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Who Do You Think I Am? - The Strength of Our Heart

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. - Psalm 73:26

I realize we've already discussed God as our strength and our portion, but I want to cover the phrase "the strength of my heart," because while it is similar to strength as a whole, it is also very different.  To fully understand the concept, we must focus on the first part of the verse:  

My flesh and my heart faileth.

Let's put that in today's terms.  I'm weary and tired.  I'm weak and frail.  I'm ready to give up, and my body is spent.  I'm sick in both spirit and body.  Can you relate?  Have you ever been to the place where you felt too tired and discouraged to keep going?  You knew you shouldn't quit, but to continue would take more strength and energy than you had.  That's where the psalmist finds himself.  Too weak to go on.  Too frustrated to keep trying.  Too helpless to do much of anything.

Fortunately, the psalmist had a hope to which he could cling.  He knew God and understood that when he was weak, that's when God was at His strongest.  Yes, the psalmist realized that God lay at the end of his strength and failures.  When he felt he didn't have what it took to carry on, He tapped into strength from another source.  But not just any strength.  Strength of the heart.

As I mentioned earlier, we've already discussed God as our strength in the sense that He gives us courage and makes us physically and spiritually strong.  But now, we see that God also makes us mentally and emotionally strong.  He not only provides us with the strength to fight the battles, but He also gives us the desire and motivation to do so.  God strengthens our hearts.  He gives us the will to keep going, to keep fighting, to keep on keeping on.  Without Him, we're doomed to fail.

Perhaps you're in a place right now where you feel you can't take another step.  Your body is tired and weary.  Your heart aches.  Your emotions are frayed.  Your eyes burn from the constant tears.  Your mind feels like some amusement park ride that spins you around and around.  You know you need to keep going.  You know it's never right to quit.  But you also know you have nothing left to give.  Your tank is empty.

If that's you, take comfort from the psalmist's reminder.  Even when your flesh and heart fail, you can depend on God to get you through.  It may not be quick or easy, but He will bring you to the other side of your suffering.  He will be the strength of your heart that provides what you need to keep pushing through.  Pushing through the pain.  Pushing through the doubt.  Pushing through the confusion and frustration.  No, there's no need to despair.  You can keep on keeping on.  You merely need to tap into the strength of your heart.  He's waiting.  All you need to do is ask.

And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. - II Corinthians 12:9