Dana Rongione

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Who Do You Think I Am? - Our Glory

But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. - Psalm 3:3

Yesterday, we talked about the Lord being our shield and protection.  Today, let's talk about Him as our glory.  I think many times we read this passage without stopping to think about what we're reading.  What does it mean that God is our glory?  How does that help us?  What is the significance of that term?

Ironically enough, the significance is in the definition of the Hebrew word here translated "glory."  Yes, the word means weight or significance.

Where do we place our identity?  Is it in our belongings, our family or our friends?  Are we defined by our jobs, our titles or our education?  What makes us stand out from the crowd?  Yep, you got it—God!

In this passage, David is talking about being surrounded by his enemies, including his own son.  He's weary, afraid and confused.  He's being hunted down like a wild animal, and his first instinct is to complain.  But just as he's getting started with his "poor pitiful me" rant, he remembers something.  It's not about him.  God is in control, and He can and will do what He pleases. His hope is in God.  His life is in God's hands.  His entire being would be nothing without God.  The only reason David was the man he was was because of God.  His identity and reason for being rested in the Lord.  And beyond that, he knew God was on his side.

How would our lives be different if we walked in the confidence that God is on our side and our identity can only be found in Him?

 Would we walk more humbly?  More boldly?  Without fear of the enemy?  This reminder was a turning point for David, and I believe it can be for us too if we'll only take it to heart.

The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? - Psalm 118:6