Dana Rongione

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God's Unconditional Guarantee

Last week, I purchased a program I had hoped would help in my current battle for better health. I was impressed by the pitch, the testimonials, and the 60-Day-No-Questions-Asked Money-Back Guarantee. So, I bit the bullet and dug into the information. What a ripoff! I was highly disappointed. This program of "secrets and unique formulas" was nothing but a short report of information anyone could find within five minutes with a quick Google search.

As you would expect, I sent a request to the email provided asking for my money back. The email was immediately returned and marked "No such address." Why wasn't I surprised? So, I went back to the main company page, found another email address and requested my money back. I still haven't heard from them. My next course of action is to contact PayPal's complaint department. They've always been great about dealing with these types of issues. I want my money back! That's what I was promised. That's what I depended on. And to be honest, it was the extra incentive that prompted me to buy the program in the first place.

In this day and age, it seems we can't trust anyone. Gimmicks and scams are everywhere. It seems many people have no morals and can't think of anything better to do than to cheat good people out of their hard-earned money.

Fortunately, God has given us an unconditional guarantee we can count on. He didn't promise stress-free living. He never said we wouldn't have troubles or heartache. No covenant in the Scriptures guarantees we'll never face the sting of death or the frustrations of life.

But, God has given us a promise that doesn't hinge on our circumstances. No matter what we're facing, this guarantee holds fast.

And while it doesn't offer us money (since we didn't pay for it anyway), it certainly offers us peace.

What is this unconditional guarantee?

God is good!

That's it. Those three words sum it up. God is good.

When the rain is pouring, God is good. 

When we're happy and walking on sunshine, God is good. 

When the one we love the most is taken from us, God is good.

When we hold our new baby for the first time, God is good. 

When the doctor shakes his head and walks away, God is good.

When the new job for which you've been praying finally arrives, God is good. 

When the bank account is empty, and the bills are due, God is good.

When you've finally overcome that obstacle, God is good.

When you've done all you can do, and you feel like giving up, God is good.

No matter the condition. No matter the circumstances. No matter our feelings, thoughts or moods.

In the good times and the bad, we can remember this one simple—yet profound—truth: God is good!

We can count on it. We can access it. We can trust that God will always be God, and God will always be good. It's in His nature. It's who He is. He couldn't be anything different if He tried. It's not that He acts good or that He feels good or even that He tries to be good. He simply is good, just as He told Moses, "I Am That I Am."

Whatever you're facing today, whether good or bad, cling to this powerful truth: God is good! Let it ring through your mind and reverberate through your thoughts. Allow it to consume you and to overflow into all that you are and all that you do. Meditate on it. Find comfort in it. Share it. But most of all, live like you believe it!

The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. - Psalm 145:9