Dana Rongione

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From Whence Cometh My Help? - Part Four (Repost)

Are you ready for the next question? Have you determined whether you suffer from the Wonder Woman/Superman Complex? Let's continue the test and see what else is brought to light.

Wonder Woman/Superman Complex Test:

Question #4 - Does the thought of asking for help make you uneasy?

In my case, I'm especially bad about not wanting to ask for help from my husband. After he gets home from a long, hard day at work, the last thing I want to do is to ask him to help me with dinner or with the house chores. I try to justify this hesitation by arguing that although I've worked all day too, his work was physical while mine was mental and emotional (writing will take it out of you). That being the case, surely, I have more energy than he does for the physical tasks of the evening.

Unfortunately, Jason has a tendency to get so focused on some task or hobby that he becomes oblivious to everything that's going on around him. So, as I buzz from place to place, trying to juggle the housework, taking care of the dog and fixing dinner, that seed of bitterness pops up and grows at an alarming rate. I can't believe the man who loves me so much won't lift a finger to help me, but at the same time, I'm too proud to ask for his help. In fact, I argued myself out of asking for help. It's not Jason's fault. He's told me on more than one occasion that if I need help, all I have to do is ask. All? I fear that's much more difficult than it sounds.

An older lady in my Sunday School class confessed that she hates to ask for help because she fears people will think she's getting too old to accomplish simple tasks. She values her independence and doesn't want to lose it because others feel she's incapable of caring for herself.

I see her point, but I'm afraid it can still be traced back to the same root: pride. We don't want others to think less of us or to think poorly of us. We feel we have to prove ourselves to others. We rationalize our behavior, but the truth is that we're too proud to admit we need help.

In our relationship with the Lord, we sometimes feel uneasy asking for help for various reasons. For one, we feel that our problems are too small for the Almighty God to bother with. I mean, seriously, does the all-powerful God care if the toilet is clogged or if I have a headache? Actually, yes, He does, but we forget that. I know, too, that I often feel hesitant coming to God with something because I feel like I've already asked for too much or asked for the same thing too many times. How many times does the Lord want to hear me cry about the pain of my bursitis or about tough financial situations? How often does He want to hear me call to Him and cry out, "Lord, I'm overwhelmed again"? As often as it takes.

It's time we take God out of that neat little box we've placed Him in and allow Him to be the God He is. Yes, He is mighty and all-powerful. But He's also loving and caring. He is our Counselor. Do you know what counselors do? They listen to people's problems and help them find solutions. That's what God wants to do for us, but He can't help us if we're unwilling to take our matters before Him.

As I've been typing, the song, "Does Jesus Care," has been playing in the back of my mind. "Oh, yes, He cares; I know He cares. His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares." It's true. He cares. No matter how big or small the problem may be. No matter how many times you've dragged that same burden before Him. No matter how others may perceive the situation. Jesus knows how if affects each of us, and He cares.

We can't blame God for not helping if we're not asking. Go to Him today. Pour out your heart. Lay down your burdens. And accept help from the Counselor. He won't think any less of you. I can promise you that!

Sing, O heavens; and be joyful, O earth; and break forth into singing, O mountains: for the Lord hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted. - Isaiah 49:13