Dana Rongione

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God's Answer To Our Cries

In yesterday's post, we looked at Exodus 5, where Moses' obedience to God didn't turn out the way he had planned. Confused by the outcome, Moses sought an answer from God, and boy, did he get an answer! Today, I would like to share it with you, and I hope it's as much of a blessing to you as it was to me. God's response can be found in Exodus 6, but for the sake of time and space, I will highlight the gist of His answer.

Verse 1– See what I will do.

Verse 2 – I am the Lord.

Verse 3 – I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Verse 4 – I have established my covenant with them.

Verse 5 – I have heard the groaning of the children of Israel.

Verse 5 – I have remembered my covenant.

Verse 6 – I am the Lord.

Verse 6 – I will bring you out.

Verse 6 – I will rid you out of their bondage.

Verse 6 – I will redeem you.

Verse 7 – I will take you to me for a people.

Verse 7 – I will be to you a God.

Verse 8 – I will bring you into the land.

Verse 8 – I will give you the land for an heritage.

Verse 8 – I am the Lord.

Just to make sure Moses remembered who he was speaking to, God reminded him three times, "I am the Lord." Beyond that, He not only told Moses what He was going to do but also what He had already done, proving that He is a God who can be trusted to do what He says He's going to do.

Personally, I love the placement of the times God intersects the statement, "I am the Lord." Before He states what He has already done, God makes it clear that He is the Lord. Then, before switching tenses to the future, He says once again that He is Lord. Finally, after listing the things that He will do, God repeats Himself one more time, assuring Moses that He is the Lord. I cannot say for sure why God placed the phrase in that particular order, but to me, it serves as a reminder that the God of today is the God of yesterday and tomorrow. He is the same day after day. He never changes. He is ever faithful and has never failed to follow through on his promises. I don't know about you, but I find great comfort in this.  I have.  I am.  I will.

No matter what happened yesterday or what the future may hold, I can live today in God's presence, trusting that while His mercies are new every morning, His nature is not. I can count on His grace and compassion and love. I can depend on His help, counsel and support. I can trust that the God who has seen me through many trials will see me through many more because He is the Lord.  He was yesterday.  He is today.  And He will be tomorrow.  And nothing, my friend, can change that!

Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it? - Isaiah 43:13