Dana Rongione

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What It's All About

This week, in following with my Bible-reading plan, I've been reading through the crucifixion.  As I read this morning, the thought hit me that it was strange to be reading about the death of Christ in the midst of the season celebrating His birth.  But I quickly realized that there was nothing strange about it at all.  In fact, it's quite appropriate. After all, the crucifixion is the very reason that He came to be born of a virgin.  He was born to die.

Think about what He left in order to save us from our own sin.  The splendor of Heaven.  Angels at his beck and call.  Streets of gold.  Gates of pearl.  Heavenly beauty.  Peace.  Serenity.  Perfection.  Harmony.  His Father.  He left it all behind and chose instead to be born in a dirty barn, knowing that He would be scorned and ridiculed by the very ones He came to save.

Picture the feet that once walked on streets of gold as they make their way down the dusty roads.  Imagine the One who was once surrounded by peace and praise as He endures the anger, hatred and ugliness of mankind.  Envision the perfect Son of God as His loving Father turns away, knowing deep down in His heart that He's suffering a fate that no one else ever had or would have to face--to be forsaken by God.

Why would He do such a thing?  Why would One so perfect choose to be born simply so that He could die?  Why?  Because of love in its truest form.  Yes, Jesus had all the treasures of Heaven, but He looked down at mankind and whispered, "It's not enough.  I want them too."  And so He walked away from "the perfect life" and into the mess of this world.  All for me.  All for you.

As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us not only picture a baby in a manger but also a man on a cross.  Let us not lose sight of why He came that first Christmas morning.  He came to die so that we might live.  I can think of no better gift!

 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6