Dana Rongione

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It's None of Your Business!

The Bible makes it clear that we should cast our burdens on the Lord.  Over and over again, the Scriptures remind us that we were never intended to carry our burdens alone.  We are supposed to give them to God, but I find that it’s often easier said than done.  I want to give them to the Lord.  I know I can’t handle them on my own.  I know that He is in control, but letting go is difficult.  When you think about it, it’s quite crazy and illogical.  I don’t want to give up control on a situation in which I know I don’t have any control to begin with.  How ludicrous is that?

There are times when I truly believe that I’ve given a situation over to the Lord only to find out that I’m still clinging to the problem with a tenacious grip.  I find myself thinking about it, trying to find solutions, fretting over the outcome and even contemplating how the Lord will work things out.  That’s not casting my care on the Lord!  That’s not surrender!

Recently, the Lord impressed upon me an idea that will help me to determine whether or not I’ve honestly given a situation over to Him.  Ready?  Once I’ve given the problem to God, it’s no longer my business!  Yes, if I’ve actually surrendered it to God, then it’s not mine anymore.  Not mine to think about.  Not mine to solve.  Not mine to remedy or fret about.  It’s none of my business; it’s God’s.  Surrendering it to Him means I’m giving Him permission to solve it as He sees fit, and since He knows all things and sees all things, I can’t think of anyone better to deal with the situation.

Do you find yourself holding on to things that you thought you had given to God?  Are you finding it difficult to live in peace even though you’ve given God the problem?  If so, perhaps you haven’t fully surrendered.  Put it to the test.  If you’ve honestly given it all to God, then it’s no longer your business.  If you’re spending time planning, stressing or fretting over it, then you haven’t really surrendered the issue.  Give it to God, then let it go.  It’s none of your business anymore!  You don’t need to know how or when God will work it out.  You only need to trust that He will.

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. - Psalm 55:22