What's This All About?
Serving the Lord has its rewards, but it can also be difficult. Sometimes the work is difficult and seems unfulfilling. And, I don't know about you, but I often find myself growing weary in well-doing. I want to serve the Lord with all my heart and soul and mind, but some days, I just don't feel like I have anything left to give. And honestly, there are other days when I can't help but wonder if the sacrifice is worth it.
Fortunately, the Lord knows exactly how we feel. Remember, He's been there. And just when we need it most, God sends us a reminder of why we're doing what we're doing. At just the right time, He assures us that our work is not in vain and that our service does matter. Last week, I received one of those blessed reminders, and I would like to share it with you.
I am a member of a writing group called John 3:16 Marketing Network. As the name implies, the group is comprised of Christian authors striving to make a difference in the world by sharing the gospel through our literary works. One way we do that is through various programs such as sending our books to orphans around the world and also to prisoners in a correctional facility in Florida. The prison ministry is set up to where we (the authors) donate our books to the prison library and any prisoner who checks out our books is required to write a review or summary of their reading experience. It has been an awarding process
, but I was late getting into the program, so I didn't receive my first reviews until last week when I received twelve of them! Yes, twelve!
All of the reviews were wonderful and brought a smile to my face, but there were a few that made me nearly dance out of my skin. I would like to share with you my favorite of the bunch.