Dana Rongione

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The "V" Has Had It!

Have you ever noticed how some people tend to break everything they own while others use their things until they're completely worn out?  Jason is a breaker.  I've had to throw out his clothes, not because they were worn, but because of mysterious stains that "appeared" on them.  He's tough on clothes, shoes, tools, equipment, etc.  He also has a tendency to be heavy-handed.  In fact, I remember when I received a violin for Christmas many years ago.  He was so eager to tune it for me that he immediately broke one of the strings.  Bless his heart.  He doesn't mean to be that way.  It's just the way he is.  Thankfully, he can usually repair (or somewhat repair) what he breaks.

As for me, I've broken a few things in my time, but more often than not, I just wear stuff out.  I was reminded of this fact a few days ago when I began having trouble with my computer keyboard.  For some crazy reason, the "v" key seemed to only work when it wanted to, and unfortunately, it didn't want to very often.  (You'd be amazed how often one actually needs the "v" key.)  I have another keyboard I could use, but I absolutely love my keyboard.  It's ergonomic and designed "just so" to provide the greatest comfort and ease of use.  That's very important for someone who sits at the computer for the majority of the day.

So, I broke down and ordered a new keyboard (exactly like my current one), which should be arriving any day now.  Hooray!  In the meantime, I've set up a quirky little system.  I am using my keyboard, but I have the extra keyboard set up in front of my monitor, and each time I need a "v," I simply type it from that keyboard.  Is that crazy or what?  But hey, you do what works!

As I thought back to when I got my keyboard, I realized that I've probably had it for over ten years.  That's a long time for a keyboard, especially one that gets used as often as mine does.  Still, I hate to see it go, and I hate even more that I had to plunk down $30 to buy a new one.  But, as ingenious as my current two-keyboard system is, I don't know that I could tolerate it for long.  It's a bit annoying!

Let's face it.  Sometimes things just grow tired and worn out, but aren't you glad that God's compassion isn't one of them?  According to Lamentations 3:22-23, it is new every morning.  Fresh, renewed.  His mercies never cease.  His compassion never runs out.  His well of grace never runs dry.  No matter how often we fail Him, His light of love never dims.  These things will never have to be replaced, for they never wear out.  They are faithful just as God is faithful.  They are always abounding and ever present.  There's no need for a backup or quirky system to get us by, for we are never without, and we never will be.

I don't know about you, but that certainly brings a smile to my lips and a spring to my step!  As for my keyboard, well, it will probably be laid to rest early next week.  May it rest in peace!

It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23