Dana Rongione

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Ain't That a Shame! - Part One

I saw a quote on Pinterest the other day that literally made me shake my head.  It read, "Black Friday:  Because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have."  So sad, yet so true.  Unfortunately, I have to wonder how many people even notice Thanksgiving in the midst of their cooking elaborate meals and planning for Black Friday.  Please don't get me wrong.  I'm not against shopping or Black Friday.  I used to be among the many nuts--I mean, people--who rose before the sun and stood in line for hours in hopes of getting the best deals.  I'm a deal-shopper, so I get it. . . to a point.

But I can't help but wonder if, at some point, Americans crossed the line between looking for a good deal and doing whatever it takes to fulfill the shopping "needs."  Meanwhile, in parts of the world, children are rummaging through garbage dumps to find food.  The homeless are freezing and starving.  We Americans are so blessed that we've forgotten how to distinguish between wants and needs, and it shows.  It shows by the lack of respect shown during the holiday rush.  It manifests itself in the form of road rage.  What happened to good will toward men?  Isn't that supposed to be part of the holidays too?

Even though I didn't partake of the Black Friday madness, God still convicted my heart about taking for granted the many blessings I have.  I have my health, a wonderful husband, two rotten dogs, a loving family, a caring church, precious friends, a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes to keep me warm.  Above all that, I have salvation and an eternal home in Heaven.  So what would be the best use of my time:  fighting for items that I don't really need or thanking God for what I already have?

Shopping is fine.  Even Black Friday shopping.  But let's do our best to keep things in perspective.  We are blessed beyond measure, and many of those blessings are things that money can't buy.  Let's not lose sight of that during the Christmas season. . . or any time during the year, for that matter.