Dana Rongione

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My God Is a Good God

God is always good, but sometimes He works something in our lives that reminds us of just how good He is.  Just such an occasion took place yesterday.

As we often do on Sunday afternoons, Jason and I went over to my sister and brother-in-law's house for dinner and fellowship.  After dinner, my brother-in-law, Bryan, was organizing his closet.  He had recently purchased a new pair of black shoes to replace the nice black shoes he had but that didn't fit properly.  He asked us if we knew anyone who wore a size 9 and would be interested in a pair of barely worn, very nice black dress shoes.  To be honest, I didn't know if the shoes would fit anyone in our church or not.  After all, I don't go around asking men their shoe sizes.  Nevertheless, I told him that if he wanted us to take them to church and see if anyone could use them, we'd be happy to.

During the announcement time at church that evening, I told everyone about the shoes.  Before I had even finished, our preacher asked, "What size?"  I told him, and his face brightened.  "What color?" he asked next.  "Black," I replied, a little confused.  "Praise the Lord!" he cried.  "This morning when I put on my shoes, I noticed this."  He stepped out to the front of the platform and displayed his detached sole.  "I told my wife that we were going to have to come up with the money for a new pair of black dress shoes." 

The preacher went on to offer the shoes to anyone else who could use them, but no one stepped forward.  At the first opportunity, the preacher sat down and changed into the new shoes, which seemed to fit quite well.  All service long, he could not stop talking about his new shoes and how God had met the need.  At one point, tears flowed from his eyes.  He was truly blessed, and those of us who had the opportunity to witness God's provision were blessed as well.

I couldn't wait to tell Bryan how much the pastor enjoyed the new shoes and what a blessing it had been to all of us.  I wanted him to know how God had used him to meet the need in my pastor's life and to remind each of us that God knows exactly what we need and when we need it.  No matter what it is, God will take care of us.  He'll meet the need, often times above and beyond what we expect or require. 

Yes, my God is a good God, and I just felt led to share that with you today.

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever. - Psalm 118:1