Dana Rongione

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Rainy Day Christians

This morning, as I set about packing Jason's lunch and putting dinner in the crockpot, I couldn't help but focus on the gloomy weather.  The pitter-patter of the rain was both distracting and sleep-inducing.  I groaned inwardly at the tasks awaiting me and the lack of energy I felt with which to tackle them.  Suddenly, in the midst of my distraction, a bright light illuminated the entire kitchen.  It was coming from the windows above the sink and was so bright that I nearly had to turn away.  Within a moment, it was gone, and the rhythmic fall of the rain picked up again.  It was one of the strangest things I'd ever seen, but as the Lord often does, He used it to remind me of an important lesson--one that I came across in my morning Bible reading.  In fact, the next several posts are going to come from chapter 106 in the book of Psalms.

For sake of time and space, allow me to summarize the beginning of the chapter.  It begins with praise for the Lord because of His goodness and mercy.  Then it quickly turns into a list of the many ways Israel had failed the Lord, focusing mainly on their forty-year journey through the wilderness.

In today's post, I'd like to focus on verses 12 and 13 which say:  Then believed they his words; they sang his praise. They soon forgat his works; they waited not for his counsel.  Despite their stubborness and faithlessness, God took care of Israel.  He provided for them and met their every need.  That's where verse 12 comes in.  Because of His acts of mercy and grace, they believed.  And in that belief, they sang praise.  But in the very next verse, it says that they soon forgot and no longer waited for His counsel.  On the mountaintop one day; in the valley the next.  One day singing praises; the next seeking pity.  Sound familiar?

According to this passage in Psalms, the Israelites changed their attitudes toward God as rapidly as the weather changed at my house this morning.  Rain, sun, rain--all within a matter of moments.  Complain, praise, complain--all within a matter of moments.  But don't we do the same?  When our health is good and there's money in the bank, we're happy.  We praise the Lord.  We tell others how blessed we are.  Yes, when things are going our way, it's easy to believe in God's promises and to praise Him for His keeping of them.  

But, oh, how things change when the sun hides behind the clouds and the rain starts to pour again.  When the account is overdrawn.  When sickness strikes.  When our plans are pushed aside, and we don't understand why.  Then, we forget.  We forget His promises.  We forget His works.  We forget how He's always seen us through.  And we stop waiting.  We stop seeking His counsel.  We stagger along in our will and way, trying to get back on track but unsure in which direction it lies.  How quickly things change!

The children of Israel were "sunny day Christians."  They were only happy and satisfied when all was going well, when all was bright and cheerful.  But God expects more than that from us.  He wants us to be "rainy day Christians," those who are satisfied no matter the weather.  Sunshine and blessings?  Awesome.  Storm clouds and trials?  Awesome.  He wants us to remember His promises and His faithfulness in every weather, not just when things are going our way.  And doesn't He deserve it?  Hasn't He earned it?

So, today, I leave with you this one question:  Are you a "sunny day Christian" or a "rainy day Christian"?  You're either one or the other.  There is no middle ground.