Dana Rongione

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Change Is Inevitable, Right?

When I left the house this morning, it was warm and sunny.  Now it's cool, breezy and looks as if the sky is about to burst open and drench the earth once again.

A few weeks ago, Jason had so much work that I hardly got to see him.  For the past couple of weeks, however, he's averaged two small jobs per day.

It wasn't that long ago that I was singing.  Currently, I'm fighting to keep myself from sobbing.

In just a few hours, my computer went from working perfectly to not working at all.

The weather changes.

The work load changes.

Circumstances change.

Technology changes.

So, yes, I guess change is inevitable. . . with one vital exception--GOD NEVER CHANGES!  He is the same yesterday, today and forever.  His grace that was sufficient last week will be sufficient this week as well.  The mercy that He showed in the Bible days He still showers on His children today.  His love never fails.  His provision never falters.  His grace account is never overdrawn.  We can trust Him for tomorrow because He was faithful yesterday.

What a blessing to know that in this ever-changing world, we have a constant source of strength and guidance!  We have a God who is not swayed by the winds of uncertainty or tossed about by the waves of discouragement.  Like the lighthouse standing securely on the coast leading ships to a safe harbor, our Father remains unmovable and steadfast.  Always available.  Always attentive to our needs.  Always working for our best.

When it comes to the things in this life, we can be assured that change will occur.  When it comes to God, however, we can be confident that He never will!

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. - Hebrews 13:8