Dana Rongione

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Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know by Hy Conrad and Jeff Johnson

Why do dogs turn around in a circlefive times before they lie down? What is it in the toilet water thatis so attractive to our canine companions? Why do some dogs howlwhile others bark? And what is it that makes those little breedsshake? These questions and many more are answered in the book, Things Your Dog Doesn't Want You to Know, where elevencourageous canines step up and tell all.
This book is set up unlike any bookI've ever read before. There are eleven dogs, each with their ownstory, personality, and "pet" peeves. The dogs take turnsanswering some of the most intriguing questions we have about man'sbest friend, and each does so in his or her own hilarious way. Forexample, Orson is a bulldog, and most of his commentaries revolvearound food. Sarge is a German Shepherd who gives insight into adog's life while detailing his many employment opportunities. Eachpet is unique, and each one has his or her own spin on what it's liketo be a dog.
In addition to the style of the book,the layout is both entertaining and inviting. Each page is done infull color with pictures, captions and lots of little extras to addthat bit of eye appeal. Various fonts match both the colors on eachpage as well as the personality of the dog featured on that page.The artwork is fun and varies throughout the book, enticing thereader to turn page after page.
When I requested this book, I didn'tknow what to expect. I knew it was a dog book, and for me, that wasenough to invest my time in it. Things Your Doesn't Want Youto Know was so much more than I could have possiblyanticipated. I laughed. I cried. I nodded my head as canine talesreminded me of my own furry friends. If you're a dog-owner, Iguarantee you'll enjoy this book and relate to the many tales within.
On a personal note, as a Christian, Ifeel it necessary to mention that this is not a Christian book anddoes contain some elements that may be offensive. While the majorityof the book is clean and suitable for all ages, there is some mildswearing and suggestive language. It is definitely advisable thatparents proof the book before allowing their children to read it.
Overall, Things Your Dog Doesn'tWant You to Know, was an enjoyable read. The short,individual chapters made it easy to read just a little at a time, andthe gentle touches of humor encouraged my heart and brightened myday. The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like amedicine." I would prescribe this book to any who need a laughor merely enjoy reading about the crazy antics of the hound kind.
I received a free copy of this book from the authors in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions expressed in this review are my own.  I was not required to write a positive review.