Dana Rongione

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Interview with Christian Author, Carrie Robinson

Today, I'm delighted to post the following interview with Christian author, Carrie Robinson.  Carrie has a heart-warming story to tell, as well as an interesting ministry.  I enjoyed and appreciated her honesty in answering my questions, and I'm sure you will too.  Also, as part of her online book tour, Carrie will be giving away two signed copies of her book, so be sure to sign up at the bottom of this post.


1. First off, would you please tellus a little about yourself?

I was born, 46 years ago now, in a citycalled Gulfport, Mississippi. My parents were not married. I am theyoungest of four children, and at the time my mother was living withher mom. My mother gave me up for adoption and I was raised by myfather’s mother and her husband. My childhood was pretty normal,until my Papa died, then all hell broke loose. (You can read whathappened in my book, Trusting In The Father’s Love.)Suffice it to say, I have been through the fire and have come outwithout the smell of smoke. God has blessed me with a wonderfulhusband, and we celebrate our marriage of 20 years. I have aMaster’s in Nursing and teach Maternity at our local college. I amalso blessed with two sons and a grandson. As a writer, of course Ilove to read. I also enjoy word puzzles, spending time with familyand friends, vacationing in the mountains, and riding my motorcycle,a Kawasaki Vulcan 750.
2. As a fellow Christian, I would loveto hear your testimony.
My testimony is that the love of Godcaptured my heart and delivered me from years of bondage andself-hate, and His love continues to develop me into the woman Hedesires me to be as I fulfill my destiny in Christ. As far as thedetails, it can be found in my book, Trusting In The Father’sLove.
3. As I understand it, you are arelationship mentor. Could you explain to the readers what thatmeans and what exactly your ministry entails?
A mentor can be defined as a guide,advocate, listening ear, friend, trusted counselor. As arelationship mentor, I help women, primarily, first developthemselves as a strong woman walking in the Word, second, build anddevelop the relationships that she may currently be involved in andthirdly, have the ability to build, strong relationships in thefuture.
What I do as a business is a ministryand vice versa. I am about my Father’s business of developingpeople. Jesus spent the last 3 years of His life developing the 12by pouring into them and spending time with them. That is what I amcalled to do.
4. What is your book about? Is it adevotional book?
My book is a love story aboutrejection, abuse, a lost young woman coming to trust in the God thatshe knew from the time she was a little girl. I am just completingmy second book, which is a devotional/workbook that we hope to haveout in the Spring of 2013.
5. Is this your first book?
Yes, my first published book. I havealways been a writer. I wrote articles for the local newspaper inhigh school and have always kept a journal. I am an avid bookworm byheart. I love the paper in the old books. One of my favorite’spastimes is going to the local library book sales and smelling theold books. There is no paper like that old paper. It is somehowsoothing to me. Weird, huh?
6. What has been the most difficultpart of writing?
Sitting down to my computer and doingit. The ideas always come, for me it’s having the discipline ofsitting down and getting it all out. The work begins with editing,proofing and such. Marketing and promotion are also very timeconsuming, and I had no clue…that’s why God did not tell me.
7. Has there ever been a time in yourministry (writing or mentoring) when you felt that your efforts werein vain? If so, what did that feel like, and how did you pullyourself out of the slump?
Yes, and it has been the comments of myreaders that have pulled me out of the slump every time. When awoman comes up to me and tells me how my book/story impacted herlife, I literally want to go somewhere and cry…it makes it allworth it. Also, in my quiet times with God I get confirmation that Ihave been called to this.

8. Why did you decide to write thisbook? After all, as a fellow Christian writer, I can testify thatthere's not a lot of money to be made with Christian works unless youhave a well-established name. What was your motivation?
Fear…honestly. The fear of not beingable to walk completely FREE in Christ was part of my motivation. Imeet so many bound women as I, too, once was, and I came to a pointwhere I refused to be bound by fear, unforgiveness or anything thedevil wanted to dish out to me. So I put what had held me in bondageon paper, and here it is for the entire world to see. I am freerthat I have ever been in my life. Free to live, love and laugh!
9. When writing a book, I often feelthat I am learning much more than my readers will. Do you feel thesame? If so, what lessons do you feel you've learned through writingTrusting in the Father's Love?
Laughs…I have and am still learningas I speak with women of all walks of life that we are all the same.We may look different on the outside, but on the inside we all wantto be loved and accepted for who we are. Regardless of color, size,whatever...we want unconditional love. I found that unconditionalLOVE is only found in JESUS. He is the one who set me FREE to be me.No one else can do that, not even my darling husband.
10. Is there anything else you wouldlike to say?
I want to say to the hurting women, Goddesires you to LIVE and LIVE abundantly. No matter the situation orcircumstance, your life is NOT over. After all that happened to me,I am still here and stronger and better than I ever was. You can DOthis thing called LIFE. You are not alone, GOD IS with you, and Heloves you. You can trust in HIS love for your life!  Thank You.

Sharinglessons learned from her own life, Carrie Robinson shares how yearsof rejection propelled her into a Love and Trust relationship withGod.


Southerncharm, love, and hospitality are words used to describe Carrie. Withover twenty years in ministry, she is passionate in developingrelationships and teaching others how they can enjoy strong, healthyand lasting relationships by walking in the God kind of love.
Arelationship mentor, Carrie inspires women to joyfully participate inliving life to the fullest. Through writing and speaking, sheencourages women and supports leaders by helping create a culture ofjoy to face storms with strength. Carrie knows how to encouragewomen to pursue their passion, while trusting in God for the outcome.She is skilled in handling difficult people in love, and motivatesothers to do the same.
Carriehas been married to her husband, Michael for twenty years. They havetwo sons, Christopher and Coleman and a grandson, Chris Jr.  She andMichael serve as Elders to Pastors Anthony and Margo Wallace ofCrossroad Christian Church. They also head up the MarriageMinistry.  Carriehas a Masters in Nursing and is employed as a Nursing Instructor. She and Michael are Certified Prepare/Enrich Counselors.
Carriecurrently resides in Delaware and loves spending time vacationing,with her family, in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. It is hereshe spends time writing. She also enjoys reading, traveling, andcruising on her Kawasaki Vulcan 750!
LetCarrie show you how with God's power, you can overcome personalchallenge and develop strong, healthy, and lasting relationshipsthrough walking in love.

Email: virtuouswife38@yahoo.com
Web page: www.carrierobinson.org/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Wryter4life
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Carrie-B-Robinson/243544319050454
Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/carrie-robinson/42/8bb/2a9
Blog: http://www.sabbathplace.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/7430094-carrie-robinson
BookBlogs: http://bookblogs.ning.com/profiles/members/?q=Carrie+B.+Robinson

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