Dana Rongione

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What Are You Looking At?

I sat back in my pew and closed my eyes as I sang along with the singer on the platform:  "My eyes will be on Jesus, and my heart will be aglow, and I won't have to worry anymore."  Suddenly, my eyes snapped open.  How had I missed that before?  I'd heard this song countless times.  How could I have missed such a profound lesson?

The song is a great one, and I completely understand what the songwriter meant when he wrote "I Won't Have to Worry Anymore".  For those of you not familiar with the song, the premise is that we won't have to worry once we reach Heaven.  All of our troubles will be over, so there will be no need for worry.  Being a bit of a worry-wart myself, I've always loved this song, but as I sat listening to it this last time, God revealed something to me -- I don't have to worry now!

My mind rehearsed the words of the chorus, and I couldn't help but smile.  "My eyes will be on Jesus. . . and I won't have to worry anymore."  You know what?  If we'd get our eyes on Jesus, we wouldn't have to worry now.  Worry is a lack of faith.  Worry is a result of looking at our circumstances instead of the Savior.  Worry is a choice!  Yes, it is true that in Heaven there will be nothing to worry about, but my friend, it is also true that we don't have to worry now.  We can have peace.  We can have joy.  Even when the skies are dark, we can still walk around with a smile on our lips and a song in our hearts. . .if we'll keep our eyes on Jesus.

Lack of worry is not dependent on the location of our souls.  It is dependent on the focus of our eyes.  So what are you looking at today?