Dana Rongione

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Responding to a Very Bad Day

Allow me to relay the story of a man who had a very bad day. You know the kind of day I'm referring to. The one where nothing seems to go right and you long to crawl back in bed until it's over.

This particular day started as any other. You see, the man was wealthy but still kind. God had blessed him in many ways for his faithfulness. So, the man arose thinking that day would be like every other day. If only he had known what awaited him, he may have stayed in bed.

As the man sat eating his breakfast, one of his servants came with very bad news. "The ox and asses were out in the field, but a group of warriors came and took them away. They also slew all the servants. I ran as fast as I could to tell you the news. I'm the only survivor."

The man shakes his head in disbelief, but before he can answer the servant, another servant runs to the table. "Fire fell from the sky and burned up all the sheep and the servants who were with him. Nothing is left. Just me."

The man is speechless. He puts down his toast and starts to rise but is stopped by yet another servant. "Master, a group of men came and stole all your camels. The servants tried to stop them, but they were slain in the attack. I barely made it myself, but I knew someone needed to tell you."

The man knows better than to ask, "What else can go wrong," but he doesn't have to. The thought had barely entered his mind when yet another servant comes running. "It's terrible, just terrible!" the servant cries. "Your children were having breakfast together at your oldest son's house. Everything was wonderful. They were happy and laughing. But somehow the entire house collapsed. I tried to save them. I really did! But all I found were dead bodies. Dead! They're all dead!"

Now that's a bad day. In the course of a few minutes, the man lost almost everything he had. No warning. No way to prepare. Just boom! It's all gone. That anyone could have such a bad day is astonishing in itself, but what is even more astonishing is the man's response.

Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped. - Job 1:20

Worshipped? That can't be right. Cried, sure. Screamed, definitely. Cussed, probably. But worshipped? What kind of response is that?

The proper one.

It's easy to worship God in the good times, but when things are going bad, is He any less worthy of our worship? Of course not. God is worthy of our worship all the time - when things are good and when they're bad. Remember the verse that says, "In everything give thanks"? Remember, it doesn't say to be thankful for all things, but in all things. Even in the midst of our trials, we can find something to be thankful for. Job did, and I don't think any of us have suffered like Job. If he could still worship in the midst of his storm, can't we?