Dana Rongione

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Finish What You Start

At the end of the story of the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus spoke these words, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."

Lately, Jason and I have been struggling with what direction the Lord wants us to go. Questions seem to surround us night and day. Things that we were once clear are now hazy and uncertain. With all our hearts, we are striving to do the Lord's will, but many times I find myself asking, "Is it supposed to be this hard?"

When I read the passage in John about the Samaritan woman, that final verse struck a chord within me. It was then I experienced an "AHA" moment. Yes, we are trying to do the Lord's will, but have we finished doing the work that He had already led us to?

If you come to my house, the answer to that will be evident. You'll find unfinished projects everywhere. The quilt I was going to mend. The bench Jason was building for my parents. The flower arrangement I told my mom I would fix for her. E-books that I was certain the Lord had intended for me to write. Articles that I've researched but never written. Book ideas that are now lost somewhere in my filing cabinet. And, on and on the list could go.

It all boils down to this. God has given each of us a job to do, and until we've finished that job, He's not going to give us new instructions. For so long, I've been stuck on "doing the Lord's will" that I've forgotten to finish the Lord's will. (You'll find more on this topic in the chapter entitled "Distraction" in my book, The Deadly Darts of the Devil. )

It is VERY important to seek and do the Lord's will, but it's also important to finish the things we start. After all, that was Jesus' purpose when He was here on earth, and think how bad things would be if He hadn't finished His work!