Dana Rongione

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The Ultimate Gift

Jason thought his inheritance was going to be the gift of money and lots of it. Was he ever in for a big surprise? Based on the best-selling book "The Ultimate Gift" by Jim Stovall, the story sends trust fund baby Jason Stevens on an improbable journey of discovery, having to answer the ultimate question: "What is the relationship between wealth and happiness?" Jason had a very simple relationship with his impossibly wealthy Grandfather, Howard "Red" Stevens. He hated him. No heart-to-heart talks, no warm fuzzies, just cold hard cash.

So of course he figured that when Red died, the whole "reading of the will" thing would be another simple cash transaction, that his Grandfather's money would allow him to continue living in the lifestyle to which he had become accustomed. But what Red left him was anything but simple. Red instead devised a plan for Jason to experience a crash course on life. Twelve tasks, which Red calls "gifts," each challenging Jason in an improbable way, the accumulation of which would change him forever. - TheUltimateGift.com

I will forewarn you that this movie will make you cry both tears of joy and tears of sadness. You'll definitely want to keep the tissues handy. Nevertheless, this is an inspiring movie that you need to see. I came across the advertisement for the movie and watched the brief trailer. I was intrigued and put it in my queue through Netflix. It was as good as I had hoped and more. I walked away feeling inspired and challenged all at the same time. Throughout the story, I was reminded that I have a good life. No, I may not be rich, but after seeing what money can do to a person, I think maybe it's a good thing I don't have much of it. Still, I am so blessed with all the things that truly matter. What a great film! It was clean and suitable for audiences of all ages. I encourage you to set aside a couple of hours and watch The Ultimate Gift.