The Chocolate Diaries by Karen Scalf Linamen
The Chocolate Diaries is a book of secrets for a sweeter journey on the rocky road of life. The book is full of illustrations, real-life accounts, hilarious anecdotes and even recipes for delicious chocolate delights. With wit and charm, Linamen discusses difficult issues that women face and offers new insights on dealing with the problems. Some of the stories are so inspirational they could touch even the hardest heart. Other stories are so comical you'll find yourself laughing until tears run down your cheeks. The book is both heartwarming and eye-opening.
I am a huge fan of Karen Scalf Linamen and own most of her books. From what I see of her in her work, we are kindred spirits. We're both a little kooky, and neither of us are afraid to admit that sometimes life is not what we expected. Nevertheless, God is good and faithful, which is a theme carried out through each of Linamen's books (that and chocolate, which is just another way we are kindred spirits).
When I discovered the opportunity to review Linamen's new book, I was thrilled. I couldn't wait to delve into its pages. It has been a difficult month, and I knew that if anyone could make me laugh through my tears, it was she. I was not disappointed. In fact, at one point, I was laughing so hard that my husband couldn't help but ask what in the world was so funny. I was laughing too hard to tell him. The Bible says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine," and I can tell you it's true.
The Chocolate Diaries was exactly what I needed at this point in my life. I needed to be uplifted and encouraged. I needed to laugh. I needed to be reminded that while my troubles look big, I am blessed and have a very good life. I needed the reminder to look up. Can a book do all that? Yes, my friend, it can. Whether you're feeling down or just need a good laugh, I highly recommend getting a copy of
The Chocolate Diaries. I guarantee you will not regret it!
I received this book as part of the Blogging for Books program hosted by Waterbrook Multnomah. The opinions expressed are my own. I was not required to write a positive review.