Dana Rongione

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Dealing with Disappointment

Probably the most disappointed character in the Bible was John the Baptist. This man spent his entire life paving the way for Christ. He taught. He baptized. He pointed souls to the Lamb of God. From the time he was in the womb, he couldn't wait to tell others about the Savior. But when times became tough, John began to doubt. And then that doubt led to a growing disappointment. Listen to the words he spoke from his jail cell. Now when John heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another? John was beginning to wonder if his whole life had been in vain.

If you read on in the story, you'll notice that Jesus was not offended by John's question. You see, many people will tell you that it is a sin to be disappointed. That's not so. The sin lies in how you handle that disappointment. For example, if you allow that disappointment to cause you to grow bitter, that is a sin. Instead, allow disappointment to cause you to grow better.

When you feel disappointment leading you to ask, "Why, Lord?" turn that question into "What now, Lord?" We don't know where disappointment will lead or how God will use it in our lives. However, we do know that God has our best interest at heart. We know He has a plan, and sometimes that plan involves disappointment. Does that make it any easier to face? In a lot of ways, no, it doesn't. But there is peace in knowing that God is in control of our lives, both the good and the bad. It's good to know that when we face disappointment, we can go to Him, and He will help bear our burdens.

-Excerpt from The Deadly Darts of the Devil by Dana Rongione