Dana Rongione

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Complete Makeover

Last weekend, our church youth group had a work day. Our goal? To paint and decorate all the bathrooms in the church and fellowship building. It was quite a chore, but we had fun. Some of the youth had never painted before (which was quite evident by their work), but they put their hearts into it, and that was all we asked of them.

I think the bathrooms that got the most positive response were the bathrooms in the downstairs of the church. When we started, the white walls were scuffed, stained, and drab. The light fixtures consisted of a light bulb hanging from the ceiling. The mirrors were large pieces of glass held to the wall by clips and screws. All in all, the bathrooms were functional but not very inviting.

Now, the walls glow with a lovely honey-colored paint. Large, oval, wood-framed mirrors hang over the sink. Matching fixtures hug the ceiling, obscuring the light bulbs, but enhancing the light. Everything has been cleaned and straightened. The bathrooms look like new (well almost new).

The whole process reminds me of salvation. Jesus took my life which was scuffed, stained, and drab. He set it aglow with His gift of salvation, and now when He looks at me, He sees a new creation. He sees something inviting. He sees a worthy vessel!